
Is it a violation of my civil rights, to punish me if I ask questions on the internet?

by  |  earlier

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I am being attacked! I ask questions on the Internet, and the people in my life start attacking me.

My landlord came over yesterday when I was helping my friend, she was there in my house, and started telling me I couldn’t play my guitar in the living room, where my cable TV favorite music station is.

Does she have the right to get possessed because I am fighting for the right to free speech on the Internet?

Why did she suddenly hate me so much? Because of the questions I ask you on the Internet?

Research my questions and answers, and see if I have to be homeless again.

Who keeps sending viruses at me? Can anybody track them?




  1. One word. PARANOID. If you were renting from me and playing your guitar in the house loudly I would ask you to stop too.  

  2. I think what you've forgotten is that while the 1st Amendment means that you have the right to free speech, you are still responsible for what you say.

    You can say anything that you want to bear the consequences for.

  3. playing guitar and asking questions on internet are two completely different things, and you get viruses because you probably gave your email address to some fraudulent company

  4. Well I guess you will find out if your asking this question on the internet! haha

  5. I suspect you need to be evaluated for paranoia.  You don't say that your landlord said anything about anything you wrote on the internet, you only said she asked you not to play your guitar in the living room.  If you were playing it loud, that could be a perfectly reasonable request. Even if she doesn't like something you wrote on the internet that's not a violation of your civil rights. 1) Except for certain statutorily created exceptions, actions by individuals don't violate civil rights, only the government. 2) Free speech is the right to express yourself, not the right to suffer no consequences whatsoever for what you choose to express.

  6. Make your questions and answers private; and change to a different login.

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  7. Does she have the right to get possessed because I am fighting for the right to free speech on the Internet?

    ^ That doesn't make any sense.

  8. Where in the sam jones do you live dude?  If you are in a Communist country then your landlord may be able to tell you whatever.  But if you are in the USA you don't even have to talk to your landlord or answer the door or let her into your living area, as long as you send the rent and if she wants to evict you she has to go through the court system as long as you have 30 days of tenancy.  Your question is all over the place so I am sorry if I do not understand exactly what you are asking.  I would walk around in my apt naked and if the LL wanted to watch me play my guitar in the nude while posting on the internet and watching cable in my living room that would be so awesome.......  

  9. It's a violation if the governmetn does it, but since technically you are living in her property she can do whatever she wants as described in the lease.  The lease between you guys is the contract that says what either of you can or can't do; just as the constitution is the contract between you and the U.S. government.

  10. NO

    not if you violate ambiguous rules of the ToS here on YahooQA

    which are open to interpretation(s) of both the left and the right or want to be pollitically incorrect or even hint at the suggest of an alternate correct answer.

    but yes ToS is there to weed out the worse offenders and yes they have a legal right to set terms and give out violations.

    i just received a violation for solicitation for asking for a star and reaching level 2  

    ooops i answered the wrong question.

    if you dont pay your rent money you can be homeless by notification. 30 days is customary but 15 days is also common.

    if you are living in a room, which uses the "common" areas such as kitchen and living room or tv room, you have to consider the community needs for peace and quiet. community defined by the land lord counts but when it is defined by everyone else in agreement you can be asked not to ever play your guitar again in the tv room.

    but it also goes just as well you cant cuss in the privacy of your own room and not have complaint or a reprimand from the land lord. or play an electric guitar that the whole house can hear. especially if someone is sleeping. im guilty of it too. i just got reprimanded for the cussing too loud thing.

  11. Crack kills.

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