
Is it a well known fact that the appalachain mountains are being blasted away for coal?

by  |  earlier

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I just wondered how informed the rest of the country is about what our electricity use is costing the environment? i know.... she says this as she uses her electricity powered computer... but i am just curious.




  1. It is not a well known fact. in fact, is it a fact? Where does this information come from?

    I am curious as to where the information comes from.

    The area they cover has been involved in coal mining for as long as we have been here. The pennsylvania Anthricite region produces the "cleanest" coal in the world.

    Coal is the best source for large scale electric production. Oil & natural gas are becomming more scarce and should be left for household consumer uses, and yes we should use less of all forms of energy. It is the only way to truly conserve. And each of us should be motivated enough to to start with our own homes, and not wait for the "government to do something".

  2. Electric pole, I have seen the mountain top destruction for myself...funny you didn't mention ALTERNATIVE fuel sources such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power. Places in Western Europe have made it work. The consumers have a responsibility to be aware of their environmental impact, but the responsibility also belongs to producers...the Coal corporates are BULLIES and are downright criminal in their intimidation tactics. Check out KFTC.


  3. I don't think it's well covered.

    Did you see kilowatt ours? - a Documentary

  4. did you know a duck doesnt really way quack?

  5. I think alot of people thing that their electricity just magically appears in their outlets. There is a huge disconnect in this country between the production of goods and services and the end consumer, so it is easy for the masses to remain ignorant.

  6. Actually it's only the mountain tops... they fill in the valleys with the rubble....

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