
Is it a wife's duty or is the husband demanding too much?

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Is it a wife's duty to do stuff like iron her husband's clothes for him??

I mean, men have hands and feet too so why can't they do some things for themselves??!




  1. I just have a sister in law that is married to my brother.

    I learn a lot from her.

    She asks my brother to do a lot and that is good  

  2. In my personal opinion it is not the wife's "duty".  I feel like if the wife does not work outside the home then she should take care of those things during the work week and he should help her on weekends so neither of them is too tired.  I think if they both work outside the home then they should share the housework.  That being said, I want to add something. Usually a woman will enjoy doing that type of thing for her husband because she loves him so much and wants to make him happy and she receives joy for doing things for her husband even if he doesn't comment on it by saying "thank you" "that was sweet of you" etc.  

  3. no it isnt her duty but she will get rewarded for it if she does it with the correct intention inshaAllah

    some husbands are too demanding and expect too much from their wives...this is the reason why we need to study the seerah of the prophet PBUH  

  4. if we used our hands for everything, we wouldn't need a wife :D


  6. She should help yes, only if he asks her. Not demands it. And by god say thank you after she does it. But if she doesnt know how also..then i guess you'll have wrinkled apparel

  7. Nope it is not her duty, if she does that is nice of her and he should THANK her.


    ps. I hate Ironing clothes.

  8. Ironing the clothes isn't too bad as long as he is ....mowing the lawn, unclogging the toilet, the drains, killing bugs, taking out the trash, doing the long distance driving in heavy traffic areas.....see what I'm getting at??????????

  9.   As far as I know, the Muslim wife does not have to do anything unless she wants.

  10. Neither is it a duty of wife nor husband demands too much!

    Islam is made in a way that justice is for every one that's different thing that people don't usually get it!

  11. Yes sis, he's not demanding too much. I'm sure they also do many things to bring happiness to us.

    The thing they must remember that Rasulullah(s) & all prophets prefered doing their work by them selves.

    My husband always irons his own clothes & helps me out at home & everything but I don't expect or demand it 4m his. If I want him to do something coz I'm tired I request him & he alhamdulillah does it.  

  12. because men work outside and they are the ones who provide for the wife, children and house. some women work too, but she can quit anytime she wants, but the husband cant. its not too much wht we do for our husbands. Its our duty to take care of the house chores, raise the kids, and clean. its not too much if we did that for our husbands since they come home tired from work.

    If we were to bow to anyone besides Allah, it would be our husbands.  

  13. No, it is not the duty of a wife to iron his clothes.

    However, if he does things for you, you do things for him.

    Why did you get married ?

    Marriage is give and take. Usually it is more give than take. So what!


  14. NO

  15. Husbands demading too much..

    A punch on the shoulder will teach him. Go for it..

    : )  

  16. No It's not a wife's duty.  You may want to help if you are a housewife but if you both have jobs then it's best to divide those chores.

  17. no its not her duty.

  18. lolz, Lavender I belief it feels great to do your husband's work. taking care of his clothes, his diet his stuff etc etc. But sometimes when you don't feel like doing, husband should help themselves too as well as do your work too. Men is to do outside work whereas women is to be at house work and thats a norm. no compulsion. but it would really feel great, ya be patient and start learning house chores :P~!  

  19. who would iron his clothes if he didn't have a wife?

  20. I don't know if it's a duty but I enjoy doing things for my husband and kids. I do it from my heart not out of anger. He works hard hours and brings home a great paycheck to keep us very comfortable.He doesn't ask me to cook,clean,laundry etc. but I choose to do it because I love them and want to show gratitude . I like a clean house and my family to be well dressed and groomed .I also like the vacations and big house that he provides.  I guess we all benefit from what we choose to do for each other.  

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