
Is it a yeast infection????

by  |  earlier

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im 13 okay so for a while now

on and off ive been really ichy down there and its red

i do have a whiteish discharge and ive been wearing a panty liner everyday for about a month

i think i got my period about a month ago (thats what my mom told me) it was brownish and lasted only a day

so my question is

do i have a yeast infection?

and if i have to tell my mom and she takes me to the doctors does the doctor have to look down there?

cause im NOT comfortable with that with anyone even my mom

help please?




  1. well if it itches i would advise you to go see a doc. you can get some medicine to make it stop...

  2. If you've been uncomfortable, itchy, etc for more than a day or two or if you have discharge that smells, you need to see a doctor.  It may be a yeast infection, or it may be something more serious.  Don't try any over the counter remedies without seeing a doctor first.  If it's not a yeast infection, then you may hurt more than help by using these remedies.

    Ask your mom to find a female doctor who specializes in teens/young adults.  The doc will talk to you about what she is going to do so you know what to expect and will help you through the nervousness of the appointment.  It's natural not to want to visit the doc, but the doctor is very professional and will not judge you in any way, she is there to keep you healthy.

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