
Is it abnormal or is it ok?

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that I don't like anyone seeing me naked...including my husband...I don't change in front of him and I don't let him undress me not even during s*x....should I feel comfortable around him at least???




  1. just try at least one night to sleep naked in the dark with your husband and talk about lots and lots of things in the dark have a lil wine or beer or whatever u perferto relax u.  i was like that at first but i started sleeping naked with my husband because he actually got and still get excited when i am naked and that really really made me feel comfortable he always comment me and yes ive had 2 children and my body not the same anymore but he seems to like it when im naked and it makes me feel really good just try it be silly be young have fun play around tease try it it works

  2. You really should feel comfortable around your husband in EVERYTHING! That's the whole point of getting married, two lives become one.

    And that includes comfortable in being exposed to each other.

    But if you're not, no it isn't abnormal. A lot of people do not like to be seen naked - I'm a man who gets complimented on my looks and body ALL the time, yet I'm exactly the same, ESPECIALLY during s*x.

    You have to ask yourself why you feel like this. Where does it stem from? Try and work out within yourself the root of the problem - that's if it IS even a problem. Is it starting to annoy your husband or does he not mind? He married you so I'm sure he'd be understanding.

    Figure it out and just communicate how you feel and eventually - if he's caring and sensitive to the issue - it will be okay.

  3. You need to work on self esteem  You have to learn to love your body Go seek some counseling  Where you ever molested or raped as a child  If so this will play a big role in why you wish no one to see you naked Or were you brought up a strict catholic or some other Conservative religious   background Or sometimes when we woman gain weight do to age or hormone changes we do not like to be seen naked

  4. yes. If it is your husband, you should realize he loves you flaws and all.  Start getting used to it by each time, showing him a little more and a little more until finally you will be confortable with your body and being naked.

    You will enjoy the freedom.

  5. i would think you should feel comfortable around your husband.

  6. It has nothing to do with him.  You probably have been repressed your entire life.  How to turn it around i'm not sure, probably just try and be naked longer after your showers and what not maybe you'll get used to it.

  7. My mom is the same way but she's a middle eastern and she was taught that s*x is a horrible thing, she also doesn't have much self esteem. Please learn to love yourself and be proud of how your body looks.

  8. okay its normal that you dont want other people seeing you naked. but your own husband! that's not normal. you should be comfortable in front of your husband. and during s*x

  9. i understand the feeling of being uncomfortable, but i think you should atleast be comfortable around your husband. he is of course your husband, and he wouldnt care what you look like, and probably thinks you are gorgeous.

  10. yeah maybe you should try to become comfortable with your body so the fear will go away, try eating healthy and toning your body a little, it will really boost your confidence

  11. So you wear your clothes during s*x? Just do itand the more you do it the better it gets, esp when you realize he loves your body either way

  12. haha , i was thinking about that .. i was like when i get married am i gonna be comfortable in front of my husband ? lol . buttt if you married him you should be comfortable & he should accept your flaws lol (:

    answer my question please :) .. if you want :D ;;...

  13. listen there is something known as trust , nobody is telling u run naked in the streets but when it comes to someone as close as ur husband atleast have that much trust on the poor guy after all he is going to stay with u throughout ur life and only god knows what he is going see in ur life and in ur body throughout this time......

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