
Is it abnormal to be obsessed with domination?

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I always find myself fantasizing about taking over the world and controlling people... not necessarily in an "evil" manner but just being in a position of complete power.




  1. This sounds familiar, and if you were in my office saying these things, I'd ask you to consider a "superiority complex" as a way to explain to yourself that you need to be "plus" over other people.

    Of course there's more to it than that...primarily an "inferiority complex" in which you feel less than others, "minus" where others are "plus."

    So we'd talk about where you got the idea that you are less than others, and that you need to make up for your personal lack (we Adlerians call it "compensation") by lording it over others (which we would then call "over-compensation.")

    Do you see where I'm going with this? I hope so. I am suggesting that you actually make an appointment with a psychotherapist and tell that person your fantasies about controlling people. I'd recommend a cognitive therapist or an Adlerian psychologist. You need to figure this stuff out before you get much older, or your entire future life can be warped.

    -- Dr. Bob, Adlerian psychologist

  2. Actually, I think it's a sign of weakness. It tells me that you can't control your own life, so you want to control everyone else's. This is not normal or healthy thinking, so I would not dwell on it too much! Surely, you have better things to think about and do! Get real, and go have some fun!  

  3. YOURE A n**i. GO TO h**l.

  4. Most people who achieve high goals in life actually dream of 'dominating' their respective area. And fantasies of domination are very very common: businessmen fantasy about being the most powerful company, politicians fantasize about becoming president and having a harem of interns at their feet (Bill Clinton, this means you), nerds fantasize of doing something heroic and banging the head cheerleader, and people with little or no power fantasize about taking over the world and making the world, and the people in it, do what they want rather than the other way around.

    It only gets bad when the obsession makes the person feel like they have to get that power no matter how or what circumstances. Fantasies of power underlie 9/11 and the Columbine shootings, so there is a point where having the fantasy turns bad, but so long as you aren't in some sort of 'Pink and the Brain' planning stage of how you are going to take over the world, then fantasize away.

  5. depends on your age..............  

  6. this is worrying

    lock urself up before you do anything hitler-ish i think

  7. Sounds like YOU need to be DOMINATED. Go find a d********x.

    Or maybe you'll just be really successful one day.

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