
Is it about time that every boat carried compulsory insurance?

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and not rely on the goodwill and charity of the RNLI and other volunteer services




  1. Chap, please  Sod off!

    Do you know how much car, snowmobile, renters, business, personal liability, etc etc etc. costs.

    What a load of bullocks. We don't need to pay for all that Rubbish.

  2. actually the majority of boats are insured boats. cannot tie up  at any port or lauch from any port unless they prove they have insurance. no boat is allowed on the waterways without insurance on the canals it is a condition of use.

    pleasue boats cannot be launched in any harbour without first showing a insurance certificate and  a certificate of seaworthiness. the problem is not there and even if it is the problem is very small and really not to be worried too much about. the system already in place works very well at the moment

  3. The Happy Murthia(Ithink) has it right about the inland waterways.

    I live near Holy Island which is accessed by a causeway at low tide. The safe crossing times are posted at each end and the number of drivers that have to be rescued by the RNLI

    and the Airsea Rescue due to ignoring these times is unbelievable.

    The cost of their rescue, which can be around £10,000, should be paid by their insurance companies.

    I know I have strayed from the boat side of the question, but in our area it is a real bone of contention.

  4. Not sure about at sea but British Waterways and the other inland waterways authorities it is a legal requirement

  5. Yeh why pay for insurance,when you get a hook in the eye and cant work anymore you can allways go fishing , duh

  6. is a racket. Sure, there are deadbeats with no conscience who won't pay to make right their own errors and mistakes...but somebody should just kill those turkeys.

    If I scratch yer boat...I'll pay for it. so bite me.

  7. RNLI is my favourite charity I often feel that people dont realize how much they risk to save sometimes foolish people who head to sea when the forecast advises them not to.

    I am sailing tomorrow if weather permits and Its nice to know that they are always on call.  I cannot comment on boat insurance I will be travelling on Stella Line.

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