
Is it about time to recognize enormous role of women in our society and give a deserving lady a chance?

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Lets have real change for once, not business as usual.

Change and Hope we can actally trust

2008 =★= John McCain =★= Sara Palin =★= 2008




  1. A point the Dems missed entirely.   Boy are they PISSED now.  LOL.

  2. Yes I do believe the "Hope and Change" issue now belongs to the Republicans.

  3. Give me a break!

    It's not about her ovaries, my friend. It's about her experience, which she doesn't have. (Sorry, but 18 months as governor of a state with the population and budget smaller than NYC doesn't count.)

    She was an irresponsible choice.

  4. I thought you supported the honorable Barack Obama.  


    You will go along with the rest of the infidels.

  5. Nope---REAL change is when you look at the issues and what is happening in this country.  We need a black, educated man to run this country because that will not only bring change in the system--it will bring more than that.  It will bring about a fundamental change in the attitudes of people--it will bring a healing between the ethnic and racial groups---no one else is capable of doing that.  You can bring healing to this country, you will bring true justice and true equality---and that will lead to the rest--McCain picked a woman because he is counting on 18 million Hillary supporters---and I do not think that he can count on that.  This will be one heck of a hot race, that's one thing for sure, and I do not even want to KNOW what kind of dirty ads McCain will start throwing at Obama.  What bothers me that Michelle Obama cannot have the right to make 300K as an attorney, people hold that against her, but Cindy McCain who is worth 100 million dollars and makes a lot more than Michelle Obama can steal from her own organization(she got caught stealing prescription drugs, just google it, it will come up), Cindy McCain can be a former drug addict and that's cool with everyone because Cindy McCain is white, Michelle Obama who is black cannot make money, as soon as she does she is subjected to being called names like hippocrytes---and that's the kind of behavior that people do not want to realize is racist.....By the way, I am caucasian and I do have a degree in criminal justice as well as in accounting.  English is my second language, so forgive me any grammatical errors!!!

    OBAMA 08

  6. Sure... Hillary can win in 2016.

  7. If the lady was deserving than why not?   I am neither a dem nor repub.  I am a libertarian.   However, if the question is should we put a woman in the office just for the sake of putting a woman in office, then my answer is no.   Those qualified to lead should be considered.    At the same time though, I also think it could be beneficial to freedom as a whole if someone without inside knowledge of DC's power and corruption were given a chance.    We would have to ensure that person could not themselve's be corrupted though.    Dems had a chance with   Kucinich and Reps had a chance with Paul however we were dazzled by the media hype over 2 hucksters who are after personal gain rather than national gain.    I never trust a politician.   Even some of my libertarian idols cannot make me trust them completely.  

  8. Not just any female! God you'd take anything that walks on two legs!

  9. Frickin Muslims put down women.


  10. AMEN

  11. Yes it is.

  12. give a deserving lady a chance, yes. Giving sarah "who?" a chance, no.

  13. d**n straight!

  14. Well if your really believed that you should have voted for Mondale\Ferraro back in the day.  My suspicions are you really don't care about equal and fair roles of women in our society, and like McCain just using Sarah Palin as political pandering to disappointed Hillary Clinton supporters.

    Republicans have been slow and absent to lead the charge of giving women leadership positions in politics.  Democrats have lead this charge consistently.

    First engaging First Lady = Ladybird Roosevelt

    VP ticket candidate = Geraldine Ferraro

    US Attorney General=Janet Reno

    United States Secretary of State= Madeline Albright

    When these women were in office the republican party took every effort to belittle them and dishonor there service.  McCain should have nominated Condi Rice or Christine Todd Whitman.

    Funny how before today, all your previous posts never mentioned giving a deserving lady a chance.  

  15. Amen!  I see a lot of "she's not Clinton" on here, she's not, she's Sarah Palin, and she's an awesome pick!  I didn't think the old geezer had it in him! I'm excited to see a woman chosen as a vp candidate, and they've got my vote!

  16. The most deserving lady was not given a chance because Nancy Pelosi and Teddy Kennedy ousted her so they could have their boy Obama in the White House.

  17. Boo to you!

  18. Are you saying you now believe in Affirmative action? Even if so, I would prefer Hillary to Palin.

  19. I agree

  20. Good for you

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