
Is it absolutely necessary that in order to drive a motorbike you need to be able to ride a bike?

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I'm going to a course for beginners but was wondering if it would possible for me to learn or not i don't want to embarass myself!




  1. yes

  2. I can't imagine having learnt to ride a motorcycle before I could ride a bicycle but I suppose it can be done. It would just be a lot  harder, more frustrating, and less fun.

  3. no...not nessesery but it helps.

  4. Well I guess you could try learning this way.

    see link

  5. This is a difficult question, you are obviously an academic a thoughtful one too.  Balance is the necessity with a bike you usually pedal ! which affects the head piece. Now with a heavy M/cycle The engine pedals (sort of ) So go for it,  get aboard one, revs to 1500 and slap in the gear, clutch released,   Yul find your balance automatically. any more funnies in  in  mind . keep straight--on.

  6. Have you ver known anyone who could run before they could walk???


  8. RIDE a bike NOT drive.

  9. You need to know how to ride a bike for the reason that you need to be able to balance when you ride slow.  The gyroscope effect does not keep you balances until you reach about 10-15 miles perhour so below that you will need to be able to balance.  You will also be required to do some basic avoidance manuevers and a couple figure 8s at a slow speed so it is very important that you are able to balance.  If you dont have a basic understanding of riding a pedal bike you will drop the motorcycle during these moves.

  10. are you for real?

  11. I don't really think one has anything to do with the other.

  12. Well, the prerequisite for the course out here specifically says,"Must be able to ride a bike." So in my opinion, it would be like signing up for a Calculus course before finishing high school Algebra.

    The difference between you and a person who can ride a bike is that the person who can ride a bike "might" drop their motorcycle in the MSF course, but it's pretty much a certainty that you will drop the motorcycle.

    Seriously, you can get a bike at a garage sale for $20. Go find one and practice before your motorcycle course, it's not going to kill you or send you to the poor house.

  13. It's REALLY got to f**king help! There's the whole balance thing going on there that you need to get your head around.

  14. Quality question, not sure of the answer as i assume others i know,like myself, who ride motorbikes can also ride bicycles.  Get on a motorbike in an open area and after a few drops you will I'm sure get the hang of balance, failing that start with a bicycle. practise makes perfect

    good luck.

  15. It depends on whether the problem riding a bicycle is due to complete lack of balance or not.

    Otherwise there's not much similarity.

    I'd try a taster session, but don't forget that riding a motorbike is not easy - it takes a long time to get the hang of, for some more than others.  Don't give up too soon even if you do find it difficult, you'll get there in the end....

  16. Since I ride a bike and a motorcycle I would say that there is no difference between riding a bicycle and a motorcycle just like operating a car is just like operating a horse.

    They can both kill you.  Well, there is one difference, a 500 lb motorcycle will do it a lot more quickly than an 17 lb bicycle.

    With that one exception they are exactly the same.

  17. No. You don't have to be able to ride a bicycle.  Two wheels is the only similarity.  

    Don't worry about embarrassing yourself, its called a beginners course for a reason.

    People can die from stray bullets or from horses falling on them. Live.

  18. well really they ride about the same not they are not the same in many ways.. and yes sure you can learn its not that hard... with a bike most think its how one leans into a turn is steering.... but the rest is kind of like a manual car you have to change gears... not hard go for it... is a great feeling the wind in your hair

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