
Is it acceptable for a wife to have a love affair...?

by Guest63168  |  earlier

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should a wife see other men after her husband had a very bad car accident? he lost both of his legs. he is on a life support in hospital.




  1. NOPE!! She took her vows for better or worse!!

    Mary in Camden, Michigan USA

  2. No, she can only move on if he dies and even then not sraight after. It's more than unacceptable- it's betrayal. A wife should be there to support her husband no matter what. In sickness and in health.

  3. Nope.

    She took vows of "in sickness and in health" and to "forsake all others" and SHOULD stick to and respect those vows.

  4. Are you serious? You can't even wait for the poor guy to die? I hope karma bites you in the a** one day!

  5. no its not fair

  6. No.

  7. It is a logical thing to do. It isn't socially acceptable. How much criticism , can you handle? It really isn't anybodies business except yours, but people will make you think you caused your Hubby's accident, before they are done.!!  

  8. If the wife had morals, this question wouldn't have had to be asked. How can a woman or man have an affair while their loved one has lost everything? If she cannot stand by her man during this time, then instead of affair, she needs to be in the divorce court and at least let this man possibly die with dignity instead of all of the gossip and side glances at the bereaving widow...cough cough......

  9. If s*x is such a big deal.....can she get by on just some p**n til her hubs is dead?

  10. Can't say, not knowing.

    The subject is strictly a matter between a husband and wife. No one has the right to interfere, or judge, what another person should do. It's between the two of them and their own values and consciences.

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