
Is it acceptable for a woman to beat up her husband?

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Is it acceptable for a woman to beat up her husband?




  1. legally, sure!

    It's a free-for-all when it comes to women throwing pots and pans at men and smacking them with aluminum bats.

  2. No. It is just the same as a husband beating up on his wife, doesn't really matter what gender they are. Abuse is abuse.

  3. Absolutely not.

  4. NO!!!

    Anyone who beats another person up should go to jail for a long time and I don't care if it's a man or women.

    I am sick of watching people hurting each other, making jokes about beating your husband or wife or kids. I am sick of watching people act like children. if you can't control your temper get the heck out and go live by your self.

    I grew up watching this stuff. and I can tell you it was NOT funny. I lived in FEAR of my parents. how in the heck can anyone think beating up anyone should be acceptable? my dad and mom was the king and queen of acting like spoiled brats.

    Sorry for going off like this. but this is one of a few things that just sets me off.  but NO anyone who breaks the law should go to jail not just the MAN even when he IS THE victim. break the law go to JAIL. END OF STORY!!!!

    Again please forgive me but after watching this growing up I want to help STOP ALL violence against anyone. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. STOP hurting each other. OK now I will shut up. God Bless.

    P.S. I am a single mom and I must say the cycle of abuse stopped with me MY child will NOT live in FEAR of me never.  Just thought I would add that.

  5. It's not acceptable for anyone to beat up on his/her spouse, not matter what the combination is (husband on wife, wife on husband, husband on husband, or wife on wife).

  6. No, but it's not generally looked on very badly if it happens.  Usually he's "done something to deserve it" is what people will say to justify it.

  7. depend on the situation  

  8. no, abuse is wrong full stop

  9. You know evil, antisocial, narcissistic, sociopathic, psychopath Harpy ---king -itches get voilent against guys they were using and then file false charges against them through the police.

    I wouldn't mind if a nice guy who was so unfortunate to have been a victim of a female psychopath wanted me to beat her up.

  10. h**l no.  if women and men are equals and have equal rights.  the woman is just as wrong putting a beating on a man as a man putting a beating on a woman.  

  11. to me it's unacceptable but the law says it's okay for women to beat men.

  12. Amen to what Music said.

  13. No.  If you can't talk it out, then get out.

  14. No, it is a crime. The same crime that it is for a man to beat his wife.

    Cheers :-)

  15. depends what he did..just kidding. absolutely not! it is the same as a man beating up a woman. totally inacceptable.

  16. If her and her husband are just playing or something I think its ok. If shes really hurting him she should stop.  

  17. I think it depends on the reason.  If I was married and my husband sexually abused my child I would beat him bloody.

    If she is just an abusive controlling person then no!  

    and what are reasons wives are abusive?

    But no matter the reason it is against the law! as these women found out:    

  18. No matter who is doing the beating, it's called spousal abuse, and no it isn't acceptable. It isn't prosecuted as much, but that doesn't make it acceptable.

    Besides, what kind of man would subject himself to be beaten by his wife?

  19. To verbally, emotionally, or physically abuse anyone, it is  not acceptable. No matter what gender you are.

  20. both are wrong but i prefer not to report if that happens  bcoz usually what i have seen is that the husband is being dumped into jail no  matter who is the victim and perhaps the community will label you as a girlie boy..............

  21. Certainly NOT!

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