
Is it acceptable to bite the hand that feeds you Mr Wogan?

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Bumble: Thanks for your response. Perhaps the fact that he is a multi-millionaire is quite a safety net when attacking the Corporation.

Also, why on earth is he working freelance for the BBC; he should be paying Income Tax like the rest of the population who actually do a decent day's work.




  1. He is part of what makes it sooo bad

  2. Only if you're being fed poison

  3. pi55 off you aint got a clue

  4. It's actually Sir Terry Wogan, but, that aside,why is it not correct to have an opinion? Anyone with any degree of self respect retains the right to disagree when something is not perceived to be right. If Sir Terry feels that standards are slipping then he is absolutely correct to say so. As I understand it he is self-employed and not a member of the BBC staff.

    There are too many "yes" men in this world already - let's have problems out in the open where they can be discussed, not tucked away in the vague hope that they will go away.

    Sir Terry's morning radio programme is far and away the best one of its type, and shines out amid a sea of mediocrity.

  5. he is entitled to have an opinion about his employers.  he works for his money  so its not exactly biting the hand that feeds him is it?   hes right too. bbc is nothing special

  6. All those years under the studio lights has finally got to him. His outburst doesn't surprise me. He must be baking under that rug.

  7. Just because you work for someone doesn't mean you can't criticise them for their faults.

  8. Let him go, he is a national embarrassment.......

  9. said the same to another person who put the question about the BEEB, he has got millions out of them and continues to do so, if he is so unhappy why doesn't quit  

  10. Here is a slightly different question: should someone who has worked many years for an organisation be able to honestly voice an opinion if they believe standards are slipping or should they just take the money & not give a sh*t ?

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