
Is it actually possible to learn ESP?

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i've seen (not read) some books that teach you how to use/learn ESP. ESP is when you're pyschic and all that.

i heard everyone has pyschic ability and these books claim that they will teach you.

is it true?

if so, can you tell me some tips about how to learn ESP? i'd love to be able to have some kind of power.

but i doubt it works...=(




  1. Is it actually possible to demonstrate ESP?

    If it's so easy to learn, as those books profess, then why has no one been about to demonstrate ESP?  I can think of a reason.

  2. I doubt it,I've yet to see anyone even do it .Beware anyone saying they can teach you.They are lying and will steal your money.They are not honest people.Being in a book does not make it true.

  3. Most of the scientific research literature suggest that ESP is a natural human ability. If this is true then it can be enhanced with practice.

    I have included some links below that will allow you to practice.

    Both ESP and Remote Viewing have supporting evidence from actual scientific experiments (something the skeptics can't be bothered to actually conduct).

    For ESP:

    "Rosenthal, after considering the possible influence of various flaws upon study outcome, concluded that the overall hit rate of the studies could be estimated to be 33 percent, whereas chance expectancy was 25 percent."

    (link below)

    In case you confuse this person with someone like the Amazingly Dishonest Randi that has no training or education in science I have included a link to his university page.

    For Remote Viewing:

    "Using the standards applied to any other area of science, it is concluded that psychic functioning has been well established. The statistical results of the studies examined are far beyond what is expected by chance. Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments are soundly refuted. Effects of similar magnitude to those found in government-sponsored research at SRI and SAIC have been replicated at a number of laboratories across the world. Such consistency cannot be readily explained by claims of flaws or fraud."

    (link below)

    I suggest you start by reading the scientific research literature on ESP so that you will have an understanding of what is known so far. This should give you a better understanding of ways to possibly improve the ability.

    The more you know....


  4. I knew you we're going to ask me that, and's a gift

  5. We demonstrate ESP every day of our lives.

    As we move through our surroundings we sense things. Like when you are walking through a door and it swings back, we automatically react and put our hands out without ever actually seeing the door move towards us.

    When we walk into a room when two people have had an argument we feel the tension without even looking at them. In the dark we remember where certain things are and use our senses to detect where they are in the dark.

    Many people would argue that this is only sensory perception and not extra or extraordinary sensory perception, and there is something in that. Over hundreds of years our sensory ability has diminished significantly but not disappeared completely. It may not be as good as it was for our forefathers a thousand years ago but it still exists. But like any ability if it is not exercised regularly we loose the ability.

    Over the next thousand years given the level of automation with almost everything done at the push of a button, Are we going to loose a number of fingers on our hands? Possibly. As we venture further into space we may loose abilities or appendages as they become redundant is a zero gravity environment.

    One thing is for sure though, we all have innate abilities, whether it be ESP, Telekinesis or metal bending, but without using them or exercising them regularly we will loose the ability all together.

    Good question

  6. Yes we all can do it - if you practice.

    Here is an online site -

    I found the kids were very good - and liked it as a game.

    Personally I got better results when I sketched basic shapes and forms and colour groups - then picked the most obvious connections.

    These are just some of the talents we're given, but never use.

  7. you certainly can, dont let anyone tell you otherwise..... but we are all born with this ability... many have just not "tapped" their yet. yep, look for books. on ebay lol. there are heaps. my favourite when i started was cassandra eason... get any book you are drawn to. in the meantime, your intention to improve ESP will put you on the path anyway. you MUST learn to meditate. thats the best way by far. lay there and imagine a dark purple/indigo ball of light between your eyebrows. this is your third eye. also imagine a ball of green light in the middle of your chest, for your heart chakra. activating these will help with your sensitivity and psychic sight. welcome to the world of awesome! there is so much to learn as of now. so many books to get. i remember what it was like. like magic. so, take it seriously, it works indeed, and you can become good at it, if you seek and practice, i promise. also, notice all the little things.... if something happens that you thought about yesterday... you think of someone and then they call etc... noticing this stuff brings more to you.

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