
Is it actually possible to totally get rid of bags under your eyes? I'm only 17 but my face looks about 90?

by  |  earlier

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I've had them for as long as I can remember but now they have got really bad

they're like purple bruises.

I must admit I don't sleep enough, my diet is unhealthy and only excerise for around 15minutes a day but do walk for 20 minutes a day aswell.

So if I catch up on my sleep, and eat a more balanced diet how long will they take to dissapear?

I dont want to be wearing any make up or anything stupid like that as I am a boy! lol




  1. If I was you I wouldn't worry about all those creams and stuff, I would just sleep earlier and wake up a bit later for a couple of days depending how bad my bags are and that should make it better, if not then make a cup of tea or chai (chai is preferred) and then get 2 of the flat cotton rolls and dip it in the tea or chai and lay them on your eyes for atleast 5-10 minutes, that should do the trick.

  2. lol i doubt u look 90 haha

    get some sleep, it needs to be regular too, not just catch up on it.


  4. lol.... 90? i doubt it, seriously.

    you know what the problem is already- sleep and diet. theres no use spending money on makeup (because you are a guy) or creams because those products are for older people who have bags under their eyes due to the stress of the aging process.

    so like i said, change your diet- make sure youre getting the correct amount of fruits, vegetables, fiber, and protein. limit the junk food. because, if you arent eating foods that give you the proper amounts of vitamins and minerals, your skin will suck. so if a daily vitamin is in your budget id HIGHLY recommend it. drink lots and lotsa water cause skin needs to be hydrated.  

    as for sleep, try this: instead of sleeping for just a flat eight hours, as some may recommend, sleep on ninety minute intervals. that means pay attention when you go to bed- right before dozing off, set your alarm for a time in the morning that falls at the end of a ninety minute sleep cycle.... AKA an hour and a half. for instance, if you go to bed at 10:00, wake up at 5:30 (seven and a half hours later), 7:00 (nine hours later), or 8:30 (ten and a half). do the math. this is so that you can sleep in accordance with your bodys natural REM rhythms, which last for about ninety minutes in cycles.

    it works for me!!! :]

  5. aw u sound so cute...suck cut a little hole under your eye and squeeze the fast out of it.. i tried it and it worked =)

  6. I know what you mean!   Drink lots of water, sleep at least 8 hours where possible, also use some cream that is designed for bags under the eyes available at most stores or a pharmacy.

    Oh, and eat well too!

  7. You've answered your own question haven't you? Now, all you need is a wee bit of will-power to do what you know you need to. Gosh, if it takes weeks or months, is that really a problem - you're 17 and probably have quite a few more years to live ;-)

  8. I think if you sleep more it will get better quicker than you think also my mom puts hot tea bags on her eyes and just lets them sit there!!! It feels good and I think her skin is beautiful!! I don't know maybe you should try it??  

  9. You can try some tips from here especially the milk powder remedy

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