
Is it advisable to convert to autogas fuel my car?how much savings will I gain converting from gas to autogas?

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autogas or LPG is popular nowadays in the Philippines. will i be able to save much on the cost of fuel?




  1. I do not know about prices where you live but in Australia it is about 25 to 30 cheaper than petrol to run a ford falcon.  It also depends on what sort of car you have.  It may or may not be suitable for gas conversion.

  2. The price here in the states are very similar ,but the car will run longer on LPG as it has less Corbin and thus the motor will last longer.

  3. To start you need a car that was made before

    all the fuel emissions controls. Something around

    77 or earlier I believe. Cost is not a real saving

    but emissions is the real benefit.

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