
Is it against the 4th Commandment to use cuss words like *hit and *rap?

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4th Commandment: You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.

Or is there somewhere else in the Bible that this is mentioned.




  1. That would be the third commandment, Hun.

    And, no...but it is against the third commandment to call yourself a Christian when you know you are not one.

    Think about it...if I call myself a Christian, haven't I "taken His name", sort of as a bride takes her husband's name when they get married? And if I am not committed to Him, wouldn't it be the same as a wife who commits adultery? I would have taken His name in vain, wouldn't I?

    However, I don't think it is very polite to use those kinds of words. As a Christian, I can't claim that I've never used those kinds of words...c'mon, I raised seven kids, facrineolowd...of COURSE I have cussed...

    But, I do try not to cuss on Sunday...

  2. I don't see how the words "hit" and "rap" are taking the name of God in vain. I don't think the dictionary will have either of these words as an explanation or anonymous with the word God.

    II don't think a baseball announcer is cussing if he says "Jones hit a home run". or- If someone says  "I don't like rap music."

  3. That is not cussing, a word that really means cursing. That could be called profanity, however.

  4. The Fourth Commandment is "Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy"....  You refer to the Third... and no... hit and rap are not generaly "cuss" words... though any word may be converted to profanity... it is all in the usage.

  5. no.

    you can swear.

    your just not aloud to say oh my god


  6. You can swear - you just aren't allowed to say "oh my god" etc.

    HOWEVER, many religious people believe that if you start cussing - even saying c**p, etc. That it will lead to more cussing - like worse words.

  7. I don't recall god's name being sh*t and c**p.

  8. God gave us the ten commandments to show us that we were not perfect and that we could never live up to his standards. God wanted us to see our need for a savior, so that he could step in and save us. If  someone does not think they are in trouble they will not ask for help so that is why he had to give us the law to begin with

    We are now under the age of grace, not saying that we should keep sinning and not care about it. But once we give our lives to christ all he asks is for us to love him. In the Bible he pours out his heart and explain how he feels about things. When we love someone, i mean when we truly love some one more then ourselves, we do not want to do things that displease them or that could hurt them. In the same way we do not need to try to live up to a perfect standard and try to follow a certain law, we just need to show our love for Jesus, because if we love Jesus we will want to please him.

    No longer will it be is it right or wrong it will be, will it please Jesus or not.  

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