
Is it against the law for someone to threaten to kill someone in Colorado?

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I was wondering if anyone has the answer to my question. Is it against the law for someone to threaten to kill a person?? If so what is the law code for that offense? I need answers before something happens. When I called my local police they said there was nothing they could do until it gets physical. I feel they just did not want to do anything. It is my brother-in-law who lives in the same household. I care for his Invalid mother and I have little kids. My mother-in-law refuses to have him removed but if I leave she has to be put in a nursing home. She is on Hospice Care and we already have a Adult Protective worker. Her dieing wish is to remain in her home. My brother-in-law is a mental patient of the county mental health system and they are no help either. He is also a drug user. What can I do?




  1. Not where I live. A neighbor called the cops  because another neighbor threatened to kill him & the cops said it was the guys "freedom of speech."

  2. Since he lives there, that would be a type of domestic violence, it would be akin to a terrorist threat. At least that is the way it is in Arizona.

  3. Assualt is the threat of force (batteyr is use of force) and is illegal.  However, there has to be a reason to belive that the person will actually use force.

    If somone pisses of a sibiling, and they yell "I'm gonna kill you", that isn't battery. If they also grab a bat and appear ready to stike, then it would be assualt.

    If you honestly  feel threated, call 911. Tell them you need the police to come and take a report for domestic abuse (even if he didn't hit you yet). Then ask about an order of protection.

  4. If you are in fear for your safety, I recommend you get a restraining order against the person immediately.

    A restraining order is simply a court order which directs that the person must never come within a specified distance of a specific address for a specific amount of time.  If the person violates the restraining order, you may have him arrested for it.  Also, it will give the police a legitimate reason to arrest him if they catch him violating it.

    This is your best protection in using the law to protect against any violence, because it is true that the police can do nothing until something happens.  The reason why is because in this country, the basis of our law is that we are innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around.  Another way of putting it is to say that the burden of proof is on the accuser to prove guilt, not on the accused.  When there is no proof of guilt, there is no basis for it.

  5. yes  it is illegal

  6. It's called "Assault". An assualt is basically a threat. Such as "I'm going to kill you", or "I'm gonna hit you.' You just threatened someone (not really you) and that is against the law. It must be stopped before it becomes a "Battery", (an unconsent physical contact that produces harm), such as a punch, kick, etc. Also illegal! The local police you called must have been a janitor you picked up the phone or you dialed the wrong #, cuz that ain't right.


    then if they dont romove him from the home you will have to leave you cannot risk your life or those of your children to fullfill someones dieing wish, trust me I know what its like to watch a loved one waste away in a nursing home it sucked, and I would have done it all if others hadnt stood in my way but I definitly wouldnt have put my kids at risk doing so. if your MILwants to stay in her home give her a choice, either he goes or you do and in you going she goes into a home.

    or I would just turn him in on drug charges then refuse to bail him out!

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