
Is it against the law to buy something that will help you pass a drug test?

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Is it against the law to buy something that will help you pass a drug test?




  1. Not really! If its for sale legally, its ok. If you do drugs, don't bother with it as drugs stay in your system for some time considering you are talking about a blood test.

  2. No, but it is a crime to waste money like that.  Those things only work if you follow the directions exactly.

    The directions say 1) "stop using drugs at least 30 days prior to the drug test"  in which case you are probably going to pass, unless it is marijuana.  

    2) "Drink lots of water."  The water will flush out your system and dilute your urine so that the result is less drugs in your urine.  You can drink lots of water without buying the stuff.  Plus, the testing process tests for diluted urine, and if your protien count is low it shows up, and your test is counted as a failure.


    If you try the wizinator (spelling is probably wrong) you will get caught.

  3. it's not against the law to buy it,but it is against the law to use anything to cheat on a drug test.get caught using something to cover drugs and you will go to jail on two will have a drug charge and a charge of falsifying a gov,document.

  4. As far as I know it's not illegal but surely you know most of them don't work. You will probably be throwing away your money.

    If it's pot or heroin you are trying to cover up that stuff stays in your body tissues for over a month. Cocaine stays for about three days. Mind you all of these can show up in hair samples or fingernails. Planning on shaving your head soon?

  5. No, but trust me - I've seen people try ALL this #$%^ and I've never yet seen any of them work.


  6. No. A drug test is between you and your employer. If they think you are cheating they can fire you or refuse to hire you. The only time this would be illegal is if law enforcement was giving you a drug test as a condition of probation. It would be difficult to prove in court.

  7. you have drugs in your system and your worried about the law.. HA! Dont be such a p*ssy

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