
Is it against the law to kill a cat in my garden?

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A cat attacked my bunny rabbit today and put him in intensive care. Is there any law that makes it a crime to hunt animals on my own land?




  1. There probably is a law against it, particularly if the cat belonged to someone. Depends where you live.

    Yes that is what the cat does naturally.

    Yes, killing the cat may be cruel. Depends how you do it.

    So be quick, don't let anyone see you, and get rid of it fast.

    s for the bunny, get another. They are all cute and fluffy. They taste better than cats.

    One day, there will be a perfect world. The bunny and the cat will play together. But you may be in h**l for killing the cat and eating the bunny. Such is life. Seemed right at the time, didn't it?

  2. sorry to hear about your rabbit. hope it comes through it ok. poor little thing. yea! i would feel like blowing its head off too. but the fact is! that its what cats do. they are a preditor. best to build a good strong run for your rabbit. the best thing you can do to put cats off of coming in to your garden is to give them a good soaking with the power hose. thats how i keep em from hiding in the shrubs near my bird table.

  3. Yes it is and the cat was only doing what came naturally, it didn't do it to p*ss you off.  It's just one of those things.  Sorry about your rabbit, but perhaps you should have a cage or run that other animals can't get into.  If a predator can get in it will!!

  4. Absolutely!

  5. One question: What if it were visa verse and it was your cat. That is cat food did you know. Sorry I don't mean to be cruel I really feel very sorry about your rabbit.

  6. It is illegal to kill a cat.

  7. no not really, ring the rspca if the cat is a stray. or the owners are not being responsible for it

  8. That sort of stuff is usually a local ordinance type of thing, check your local laws.

    But might I say, why was your rabbit out in the yard? Dogs, cats and some birds are predators, rabbits are prey. Watch it when it's loose.

  9. yes it's a criminal offence to kill an animal, unless it's delicious.

  10. For you to kill the cat!Yes!It is illegal!But if your dog did the dastardly deed!Well!It is classed as natural enemies!

  11. Its cruelty.  Call your local animal shelter and ask if they will loan you a trap.  My friend did this last year when a couple of cats "moved into" her yard.

  12. its a cat . thats what cats do maybe u shud of looked after the bunny better. do not kill the cat for behaving like an animal it is. you arent. leave it alone. you can get done for animal cruelty.

  13. kill it

  14. UK answer.

    Unfortunately, yes. Also, unfortunately, cat owners have no legal responsibility for what their pests do.

    What a convenient pet for anyone who wants the 'cute and cuddly' but not the responsibility that should come with it.

    US answer. No idea.

  15. a) it would count as animal cruelty as a cat is a domestic pet not a wild animal

    b) the cat is someone's property so it would also count as malicious damage to property.

    Yes it is against the law and its not very nice either. If someone killed my cat I would go straight round to their house and kick the living sh*t out of them.  Why don't you keep a proper eye on your rabbit?

    How would you feel if someone killed your "bunny rabbit"? Well thats how the cat's owners would feel if you hurt/killed their cat.

  16. In most states of US, it is against the law. People have gone to jail for similar things.

    Send the cat's owner a bill.  

  17. I think its against the law to kill a cat in the whole of the UK ?

  18. What good would that do? You'd have two hurt animals....

    sick b******s.

    just make sure you protect your rabbit. I hope its ok.

  19. Only if someone finds out that it was you who killed it. There probably isn't a law on your on land but I'm no expert. I say forget the Law do what you think is right, and the right thing to do. Who cares what someone else thinks. Farmers are protecting their livelyhood i.e. they are doing what a hunter does to survive.

    Leading on to all animals are here for the survival of their existence & environment if anyother animal threatens that then we liquidate that threat. That is why we kill mosqitoes (disease) & wasps rather than cats. Also nos have something to do with it, look at Russian's in wartime.


    Cats are lovely animals they are hunters the cat was only following natural law the cat doesn't deserve to die for this :-) Opps cat lover here.

  20. Don't kill the cat, he must have just got tempted.

  21. i dont know anything about the laws in england, but you have the right to protect your property if i was you i would shoot it if i saw it again

  22. I worked at a halfway house and there was a guy who served 90 days for killing his neighbors cat because the cat got into his garden. If the cat is owned by a neighbor, etc you can sue the neighbor for the medical bills. Don't kill the cat. It's in their nature to hunt. If you want to keep the rabbit outside build a better cage

  23. yes its illegal unless it comes from a recognised 'pest' species. A much better option would be to put poisoned food down for it and afterwards clear away all evidence, then nobody could prove anything

  24. In the uk, it is actually legal to shoot ferrel cats, but to be honest, you'd only make yourself feel worse.

    If you know the owners, go round and explain the situation, they might just be willing to help with the bills.

    I know how horrible it is to have an animal attacked and I wish you and your rabbit all the best.

    Before your rabbit comes home, make sure any holes in the run are blocked and sealed. Cats are amazingly agile, and most gaps you think are harmless, are easy for a cat.

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