
Is it against the law to offer advice if you are not qualified?

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EG finance, counselling, medical etc. People do it all the time on Yahoo answers




  1. It's not illegal so long as people are not holding themselves out as experts. That's why I always make clear my area of expertise; not to show off, but simply so people know what the basis of my advice is. I thought the purpose of this forum was to try and help each other anyway.

    Hope that helps.

  2. There is a classic anecdote about this.

    A well know motor cycle policeman in Scotland attended Courts all over the country and gave 'expert' advice on matter's relating to collisions on the roads. His evidence went a long way towards convicting some individuals.

    A few years ago he had an unfortunate coming together with a towed vehicle and the rest, as they say, is history.

    After this it was apparent that he was no more qualified in road traffic collisions than any other traffic cop. Allegedly.

  3. But people on here unuderstand that you take advice at your own risk.  People who work in teh courts are not allowed to give legal advice because of where they work.  People on here can give you suggestions, but remember that you should always do your own research, no one here can claim to be a professional.

  4. Not illegal but if you give unqualified advice I suspect that you might be liable to a civil action for damages if your advice was at fault

  5. Only if you are charging for it. Advice is not illegal.

  6. it is against the law if you are making an earner out of it. there is a huge difference between free advice from no bodies and paying for a service being provided

  7. On yahoo? No. We are not charging. A lot people say to seek professional advice anyway, especially when it comes to medical issues.

  8. Its not against the law but you might get sued.  Its probably against the law to give finance advice and claim that your a CPA or something.

  9. Posting a Yahoo Answer is on a par with giving an opinion ( a free one at that ) not "practising" in any field for which you might require a licence or likely to incur any legal liability.  

  10. Have you seen yahoo answers... If I could arrest everyone who gave wrong advice who wasn't qualified... especially in the Law Enforcement section... our jails would be full.

  11. No it is not illegal, but if ie a nurse is found to be giving medical advice and is the incorrect advise it can lead to her / him being struck off the nursing register if she is reported to the NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council)

    People should not advise, we should give direction for instance show alternatives so that the enquirer can make up his / her own mind which direction to go.

  12. Its against the law if your soliciting your sevices and your not qualifiend.  Your not comparing legal advice to this web site I hope, if you are you could be very dissapointed.      

    Medical,  don't tell ayone they need open heart surgery if your not a Dr.  

  13. Who says we do it all the time on YA lol.  All the advice I give on here is to be taken with a pinch of salt, however too much salt is bad for you - as a doctor I should know :)  

  14. In the UK Legal advice can be given freely without qualification with certain exceptions .. Financial and Investment advice is regulated by the financial Services legislation. I'm not sure about medical advice but I'm pretty sure that advice regarding complex medical procedures is highly regulated as compared to perhaps advice about reflexology or rakki treatments.  

  15. Nah. Make an appointment with your doctor,

    and take any pills he has prescribed. <}:-})

  16. It only becomes an offence if you pretend to be something that you are not e.g. a Doctor or solicitor. You don't need to be qualified to offer basic common sense advice

  17. No.

    Now put £1,000 into nylon, tell me how you feel about your mother, and cough whilst I hold these.....

  18. No! it's not against the law to give advice, as long has you are not taking money for it, if you give people advice you are giving it to the best of your ability, they do not have to take your advice after all.

  19. .   In Arizona, the law about "Practicing Law Without a License" was repealed.  Anyone can tell anyone anything.  But you can not represent someone else in court unless you are a licensed practicing attorney.

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