
Is it against the law.???? to ride a horse on the main road while using a mobile.???

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i have just seen a women rideing a horse while useing a mobile on a main road.if you can get knicked for useing one while driveing a car surely it applies to women on main roads rideing a horse.??




  1. Depends on your state.

    some states you can get a DUI on a horse, lawn mower,bike. My guess is that it would apply if there is a no cell phone while driving law in your state.

  2. No, the law only relates to driving a vehicle or riding a motorbike, you can be prosecuted for using a mobile whilst riding a pedal cycle, but that offence comes under careless or reckless cycling.

    The legislation makes no mention of horses or any other animal.

    See the link for more info.

  3. yes, but the cops are very unlikely to catch her, because (horses are faster than cars)- may not be true.

  4. i suppose like every law it will take quite a few fatalities before the law even bring it to debate,stupid bloody woman!

  5. No, I I Don't Think It Does Apply To That Situation.

    Everyone I Know That Rides Uses Their Phone.


  6. Only if she was ridding ,side saddle.

  7. would have thought so,it applies to other vehicles,but youd prob get away with it like you do with no having to clean up after you

  8. Good question i don,t think so.

  9. There's probably two answers here.

    Personally, I think that the person should be stopped and dealt with for not being in proper control of the horse.

    In reality it may not happen as if the police stop her they will have to make sure that the horse can be tethered while they are dealing with the matter,which may not be easy.

    If, however, the manner of riding had caused an accident then no doubt the rider would be done.

  10. yes

  11. Technically yes. Used to be you had to pay £12 road tax to ride a horse on the road so they are a vehicle so the mobile phone ban should apply.  

  12. Well, if it isn't it certainly ought to be.  A horse is of course an animal, with a degree of unpredictability in its behaviour.  To control it, if it does something unexpected,  certainly needs both hands.

    But on the other hand, riders could claim that this is State interference in private action.  After all, a horse moves a lot slower than vehicles do.

  13. The reason you are done for using a mobile phone is you are deemed not to be in full control of your vehicle i.e. two hands on the steering wheel. As all road users are bound by the rules of the road then a horse rider is breaking the law if they use a mobile while riding. Bit of a grey area really but horse riders beware.

  14. Women have the excuse of being unable to stop nagging.

  15. its not against the law but it isnt advisable.  you technically have to do a road safety course to go on the road you do unfortunately get the idiots who think they are above the law on the road or horse.

    with regards to CAM you actually direct and control a horse with your seat bones and legs not the reins,  that is if they are trained properly!

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