
Is it age or weight that?

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determins wether a child should be in a full car or booster seat? if so does any one know what?




  1. in the uk its a combination of height (until they are either 135 cm) and age (aged 12) so they use a booster seat until they hit one of those targets and then they can use a full car seat.

    see the link below for more info

  2. The new national campaign urges parents to keep kids in car seats or booster seats until they are 4' 9".

    "Under 4' 9", booster every time."

    Each state is different, but they all require at least age 4 AND 40 pounds.

    Some have made laws to require them to age 6 AND 60 pounds.

    Some are suggesting at least age 8 and 80 pounds, but even the most regulated states don't legally require this yet.

  3. Up to 13kg = rear-facing baby seat

    9-18kg = forward facing child seat

    15-25kg = booster seat

    22kg + = booster cushion or modern booster seat designed for children

    under 12's under 135cm (4 ft 5 inches) should sue a booster cushion

    12+ and over 135cm may use and adult seat belt

  4. Age plays a big factor.  Even if your child is at a weight that it would seem appropriate to move him or her to a booster seat it's not safe before age 4.  The child doesn't have the maturity yet to know how to sit properly with just a shoulder and lap belt.

    There are several seats available which have 5 point harnesses that are good for larger children.  My daughter is almost 6 and still rides in the Apex seat which has a 5 point harness that is good to up to 65 pounds.  Britax also makes a seat with a higher weight limit.

    A 5 point harness is the safest by FAR and a child should ride in 1 as long as possible.

  5. It is height that determines whether a child needs a booster seat and age.

  6. Infant seats are outgrown when a child reaches the weight limit, or more commonly when the child has less than one inch of plastic shell above his head.

    Infants then move to a rearfacing (RF) convertible seats and MUST remain RF until at least 1 year AND 20lbs, but should remain RF until the limits of the seat (30-35lbs in the US).

    Children then move forward facing (FF) in a harnessed seat.  Forward facing harnessed seats are outgrown when a child reaches the weight limit, or more commonly when the child's shoulders are above the top harness slots.

    If the child is 4 years AND 40lbs, then he may move to a booster with vehicle lap shoulder belt seatbelt.  If not, then the child needs a larger FF harnessed seat.  There are many seats that harness to 55-80lbs.  The Alpha Omega 3-in-1 seats only harness to 40lbs and most 40lb weight limit seats are outgrown before a child is mature enough for a booster seat.

    A child should ride in a booster with vehicle lap/shoulder belt until he or she reaches approximately 4'9" (around age 12) and then can move to just the adult seatbelt if he passes the 5 step test and the seatbelt fits him correctly.

  7. i beleive they have to be atleast 4'9" and weigh a certain pound and be of a certain age (4) but don't hold me to it check with your state.

  8. height and weight determine -back seat riding for children.

    I bought a baby car seat from graco. Its reccommended weight is for children up to 35lbs.

    The cosco  booster is for 3-4ft tall children and takes weight all the way up to 100lbs.

    The NHSTA says 12 and under go into the back seat. ..away from airbags and front seat impact areas.

    Go to the bottom of this site's  article for a good anecdote and statistical reason for your question.

  9. And to add to this.  If YOU feel that your child of 139cm tall is uncomfortable and/or unsafe without a booster seat, then use one.   The law doesn't state you need to, but it stands to reason that if your child is slight, they will suffer more for an adult seat belt cutting across their neck.  

    This especially prevails if the driver uses the vehicle as a tank.

    The law is good, but common sense over and above the law is better still :o)

  10. As far as I know , it has alwayec been both, age and weight. If I were you, I would go to the poloice station and ask. Why put a child at risk.

  11. i thought it was age and height

  12. Use this site it is for all states and will help you..........

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