
Is it akward to hook up with your sisters best friend?

by  |  earlier

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she likes me and i like her .. shes a little younger then me and my sis cant find out .. wut would u do




  1. DON'T DO IT. Make sure it's okay with your sister first. If you date her friend without asking that's crossing a line and your sister's just gonna get pissed off at you and her friend. There was another girl who posted a question on here about her brother dating her friend and she was pretty mad, so ASK YOUR SISTER FIRST!!

  2. well just do it but tell her not to tell your sister because she will get mad most likely

  3. well same situatun as my lil bro he likes my i dont so its up to u and ure sis dont ruin ure relationship with ure sis for her best frend

  4. I'm on the other end of this situation... I'd be extremely happy if he told me he liked me... so just tell her sometime. But..does she like you?  

  5. well my sister and my best friend started dating each other and then they broke up and i never heard from him again =( so i don't there is a lot at risk so idk

  6. No matter what you do, your sister will find out so you may as well tell her up front or ask her, as another person suggested.  Keep in mind that best friends tell each other everything.  Yes, I mean everything.

  7. Leave her alone and let her be.  It's a bad idea and you don't know what you are getting into.  There are plenty of other people you could go for in the future that aren't your sister's friends.  

  8. Dude just tap the **** and act like you didmt.

  9. i dont see anything bad on it. i´ve done it before and it actually made me closer to my brother.

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