
Is it all going to end in the next 10 years? And, why did the US wage war again?

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Is it all going down the tubes? Should I even bother having children?




  1. adopt some

  2. What's going down the tubes?  The war in Iraq?  If you think that you should speak to some returned Military personnel.  They'll tell you different.

    The Liberal Media doesn't want you to know the truth.

  3. definately have children and have faith.. Whether it be in God or just positivity.... Just have faith and wish for the best, things will be fine!

  4. People who say they are bipolar really get under my skin and usually aren't and just want attention....ahem anyway.

    Have children, it will all be ok in your part of the world for now. Spare a thought for those in countries where they don't have the luxury of going on the interent or enjoying a trip to the shops for food. You are lucky you can do that, so bringing up children in a nice safe country free from was and it's effects is good.

  5. We are so in debt, it's not even funny.  Massive amounts of dollars are being printed out of thin air to fund this 2 Trillion dollar plus endeavor of death democracy in Iraq.  If we were to invade or bomb Iran, this just means more and more spending.  The rest of the world is starting to reject the dollar. Oil is starting to be measured in Euros.  The inflation is going through the roof.  The spending has no end in sight, and soon the dollar will collapse if we continue on this course.  Foreign policy and economic policy go hand in hand.

    CNN is friggin retarded.  They call the economy "Issue #1", when foreign policy and the economy are directly related.  

    I guess we've forgot we're waging a war, and Americans are getting killed everyday, just because the government has given us a "stimulus check" with money printed out of thin air.

  6. Um, stop thinking so much.

    Live in the moment! Don't worry about tomorrow.

    We're all going to h**l eventually, so why does it matter?

    Live while you can.

    But, if you really want an opinion, yes. The world has been shot to h**l and it's all down hill from here.

    I'm bipolar and a bit of a pessimist. Can you tell?

  7. "Things are worse than ever, and it's always been this way!"

    LOL...   uhm, no, it's not all going to end.  It's going to keep going along as it has for many thousands of years.  Don't let the constant hyperbole of crisis overwhelm your perspective of reality.  All of the doomsday talk is just a way to sell soap, or get votes, or manipulate you.  

    Be a person.  Do what you can with what you have.  

    If you want to be a parent, have children.  After all, they can improve the world.   If you don't want children, don't have them.

  8. have kids in a nice country like canada.

  9. Have kids, things are fine.

  10. The world is dependant on long as we are, there will be wars. Have your life to the fullest and help make a recycling, speaking out against injustices, etc. It will make you feel better about your future.

  11. technology book and training-




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