
Is it allowed for a woman to be examined by a male gynaecologist?

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For medical reasons? or does it have to be a done by a female doctor? what if there was no female doctor?




  1. it is recommended that you have a female but if one is not available then it is permissible to be seen by a male dr. it's a medical necessity. please don't make islaam harder than it needs to be. it's easy. just make sure you have someone with you maybe your husband or mother.

  2. It is allowed for medical reasons only if there is no female one present. If this happens, then it is better to have a nurse while the examination occurs. If you cannot even do that, then it is permissable to be examined by a male gynaecologis-although its embarrasing...0.o

    I mean you cannot help it if something like that happens, and it is important to have a gynaecologist check you. If not,you might have a serious mediacl problem and not know it.


    As freedom fighter, lets not make Islam harder than it is. It get really hard when people call every single thing some guy called drawing haram and kite flying haram. I mean come on! I get so confused and almost to the point of crying because im so overwhelmed with Islam sometmies because of these people. So....lets not make it harder please.

  3. It should be a female doctor, if they don't have one ask for one. You should only go to a male one if there's no female one.

  4. So....the male gynecologist is only supposed to be allowed to examine who....blow-up dolls?  I don't understand this question's premise.   What's wrong with it?  Of course its allowed.  Why wouldn't it be?

  5. It is allowed!

  6. Well, when i just started college, i was planning on being a doctor....and the imam (we don't really like using the word imam, but yeah..) he tried his hardest to convince me to be a gynecologist....and if you haven't figured from my name...i'm a guy.  

    Anyways, most males that wanna be gynos don't do it for any sexual reason....(atleast in america, they're gonna end up seeing a lot of nasty stuff)......almost always, the best intentions are there.  

    Plus most gynos are ob/gyn......thats more convenient for pregnant women, and the idea of being responsible for the health of a newborn is appealing to many.......

    But yes its allowed.    

  7. many do

  8. First preference should be given to female Gynecologist by a Muslim.

  9. yes its allowed  

  10. I guess so...

  11. A female nurse is supposed to accompany him during the exam part.

  12. Who else would a man gynaecologist examine ?

    A man ?

    I think they have to have a nurse in there though.

    P.S   Just ignore the fact that the nurse is carrying the Video Camera and Whip.

  13. It's allowed, but I would be embarrased.

  14. You must be referring to the permittablility of muslim women being examined by a male doctor, right?  Yes, it is allowed.

  15. who she comfort with i prefer lady doctor for women

  16. Yes it is allowed, a lot of gynaecologists are men, but from personal experience there is always a female nurse present.

  17. In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,

    In the situation where a Muslim female is in need of medical treatment, the endeavour should be that she is treated by a female medical doctor, preferably a Muslim. If a female practitioner is:

    a) Easily available,

    b) One is satisfied and content with her medical treatment,

    c) There is no other valid legal (shar'i) excuse for not resorting to her treatment,

    then in such a case, it would not be permissible to seek the medication of a male doctor, rather, the illness must be treated by a qualified female doctor.

    It is stated in al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, a renowned Hanafi Fiqh reference:

    "If a woman has a wound in a part of the body that is impermissible for a male to look at (m, meaning other than the face, hands & feet, for they are absolutely part of awra), it will be impermissible for her receive treatment from a male doctor, rather a female should be instructed to treat her. If a female expert is not available, neither is there a female who can be instructed to treat her… then in such a case it would be permitted for a male doctor to treat her, provided there is a genuine need. It will be necessary for her to cover other than the effected area, and he must lower his gaze as much as possible." (al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, 5/330).

    However, if the need is only for consultation or the medication is related to a part of the body that is not part of Awra, then it would be permissible to seek the treatment of a male doctor, although the treatment of a female doctor will still be preferable.

    If the above-mentioned (3) points are not found, in that a medical female expert is not easily available, or if she is available, one is not content with her medication, or there is some other valid legal excuse, then in such a indispensable situation, it will be permissible to resort to the treatment of a male doctor, provided the male doctor only looks at (and handles) the effected area. The rest of the body of the female must remain covered.

    Imam al-Haskafi (Allah have mercy on him) states:

    "In the situation of a male doctor treating a female, he should only look at the effected area (m, whenever reasonably possible), for cases of need are restricted to the actual need. And it is preferable that the male doctor teaches and instructs a female in order to treat her, for looking (and treating) someone from the same gender is the lesser of two evils (m, i.e. when looking at parts of Awra)."

    Imam Ibn Abidin (Allah have mercy on him) explains in his Radd al-Muhtar that, if the treatment is related to the private parts, then only in extreme situations will it be permitted for her to seek treatment of a male doctor. He states:

    "If the treatment is on her private parts, then it is necessary that a female is instructed to treat her. If this is not possible and it is feared that the woman may perish or undergo unbearable pains, only then will it be permissible for a male to treat her." (See: Radd al-Muhtar ala al-Durr al-Mukhtar, 6/371).

    The same has been mentioned in other Hanafi Fiqh references. See: Ibn Nujaym, Bahr al-Ra'iq, 8/192, Qadhikhan in his Fatawa, 3/409 & Bada'i al-Sana'i, 5/124.

    Also, a Muslim doctor would be preferred over a non-Muslim for obvious reasons. However, if (once again) the three points are not met, then it would be permissible to seek the treatment of a non-Muslim doctor. Therefore the order in seeking medical treatment would be:

    a) Muslim female doctor

    b) Non-Muslim female doctor

    c) Muslim male doctor

    d) Non-Muslim male doctor

    And in moving from one stage to another, the above three points should be kept in mind. The preference of a non-Muslim female doctor over a Muslim male doctor is due to the fact that, looking at the awra of someone from the same s*x (as mentioned in Durr al-Mukhtar) is lesser of an evil. Also, the covering of one's nakedness in front of a (non-Mahram) male has been given more importance than covering in front of a non-Muslim female.

    And Allah Knows Best

    Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari

    Darul Iftaa, Leicester, UK

  18. Absolutely it is okay. Medical care is a sensitive time in which a medical professional whether male or female is performing a necessary service for an individual and the community. It is a matter of health and not a matter of modesty in this case. Doctors will simply do what is necessary and nothing more...this is true for whether one is a male or female, muslim or not in the respective physician or patient role.

    Our Prophet gave permission with his own mouth to Aslamia,the first female muslim physician to treat males and females battle or for whatever need. She also trained other females her trade.

    To further the point, It is allowable for a female to even wash the body of a male if their is no male around to perform the task and vice versa at the time of death.

  19. Yes, it is allowed for a woman to be examined by a male gynecologist.  However, during examination, there should be a medical assistant or a nurse present.  Doctors are not supposed to be alone during examination.

  20. It is allowed.

    why wouldnt it be?

  21. Yes it is allowed. One time a male gynarcologist came over to me (he got the wrong patient) and started saying he was going to examing me soon, and what they were looking for etc. I was like :O errm, i think you have the wrong patient. I'm in here for asthma ahaha!

  22. I go to a male gyno. There is a sign in the room that tells you to let them know if you would like a nurse present during your exam.

  23. Of course it's allowed. In Islam, I'm pretty sure people will say a female should be the only one inspecting that area.. .

  24. Firstly I take it this is a religious question. Most of the people here are answering like its a open one.

    It is not permissible in Islam (to the best of my knowledge) unless it is out of necessity. Since there are plenty of female gyno's about it would be best to see one of them.

  25. Are you for real?

    Of course it's allowed.  'Naked' doesn't mean 'sexual'.  Get over yourself.  This doctor sees hundreds of people naked each year.

  26. yes it is allowed

  27. I guess it would depend on what country you are in. I have never been seen by a female gyn all my docs have been males.

  28. A female doctor is preferred, if there is no female doctor then it's permissible for a male to examine you.

    God. why would a man even want a job like that anyway?

    It pisses me off, i mean why don't they specialize in mens health or something?? Perverts......

  29. No It is not allowed except for emergencies.

    MALE Gynecologists are for Christian women

  30. If it wasn't allowed, why would men become gynecologists?

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