
Is it allowed to wash a land rover whose owner goes off road racing in our road washing all the filth onto it.

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Is it allowed to wash a land rover whose owner goes off road racing in our road washing all the filth onto it.




  1. Yes it is as long as they do not pollute your land, or clog up any drainage channels.

  2. Well you dont own the road. And everyone has the right to do whatever they do with their car. If some one has a landie and they go off roading and get it blathered then good on them!

  3. Despite the other posters saying hard luck,etc,get used to it,and so on - it IS actually an offence to wash any vehicle on the public highway,as allowing the waste water to flow into the drains constitutes the offence of unlawful discharge of waste water/matter into the sewer system - you need a permit to do this.The drains on your property aren`t included as you pay coucil tax to dispose of washing water in that way.

    If your neighbour is washing his land rover on his property and the waste water is flowing into the public drains,that`s a bit of a grey area.Contact your local environmental health for advice if in doubt...

  4. well it is breaking the law but i do it all the time just make sure no one sees ;)

  5. Try speaking to him.

    Maybe he could use collected rain water to wash his vehicle then rinse the road down!

  6. Not sure.  Why not check with your local council to find out if there are any by-laws.  Be careful that you don't 'shoot yourself in the foot', though - you might discover that it's not permissable for anyone to wash their vehicle in the road.

  7. If that is the worst that happens to you ,you are lucky

    Did you buy the road

    is that possible???

  8. there are worse things people could do!!

  9. it isnt YOUR road. it is a public highway so even though it isnt very nice of him you cant do anything

  10. is it your road?

  11. Yes. Put a note through their door suggesting they use a jet-wash at a petrol station in future.

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