
Is it allright to give a cat Miralax?

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Does anyone know if Miralax is OK to give a cat that has problems with hair balls? I know it is ok to give CRF cats for constipation. This cat will not take the laxatone, even when you put it on her paw. How much Miralax would be alright to put on her food? I hear that it does not have any taste to it. Is this also true? Any help would be appreciated.




  1. No to the miralax.  I use to give my cat laxatone, I had to literally put it on my finger and wipe it in my cats mouth, he would not eat it off his paw or in food.  Mots of the time you have to force cats to eat medicine they will not do it naturally.

  2. My  Vet told me to use canned pumpkin, they don't like it though yours may.. I use petromalt too

  3. I think Mineral Oil would be better (my vet recommended that to me), 1/2 teaspoon mixed in with food, preferably canned food.

    good luck!

  4. The home remedy for hairballs is petroleum jelly. Don't give her Miralax. It's not made for cats and her problem isn't constipation, it's a hairball. Petroleum jelly sticks to the hair and helps slide it through the digestive track. Just put a little on your finger and let the cat l**k it off. My cat loves it. It must be the texture. If the cat won't eat plain old petroleum jelly, you can buy flavored hairball remedy (which is petroleum jelly based) at a pet store.

    If this still doesn't help, you should go to the vet because sometimes what you think is a hairball isn't a hairball at all. My cat ended up being diagnosed with asthma when she had hairball-type symptoms. And some cats end up being diagnosed with abdominal obstructions or cancer. Better safe than sorry.

  5. Is the cat actually bring up hairballs? Or just coughing with no hairball coming up?

    Hmmmm... miralax is a fiber right? Hairballs need something to lubricate them, like laxatone, not fiber. I don't think miralax will work.

    As suggested, mineral oil might work but fed alone it might also give the cat the poops. You can also try Aloe, butter or olive oil.

    Increasing wet food in take is the easiest way to solve hairball issues, so you should consider that as well.

    Have your tried other brands of hairball treatments? My cats used to refuse laxatone, but readily accepted Drs foster and Smiths Seafood brand.

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