
Is it alright for a 1 1/2 year old to go hiking and to the beach at this age?

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I'm just annoyed how my gf's little brother parents don't let him get out much! And it's getting on my nerves! The boy has to see daylight you know what I mean! He's very spoiled and sassy! He barley goes out- he just stays home most of his young life! And has a father that doesn't really pay attention to any of his children! And he's alcoholic! Her other brother that's in high school is now a game addict- that plays his X box all day and pretty much has no life! And he seems mad most time! just don't know what to do from here! We tried to her mother to not make the same mistake again! We gave her suggestions to bring him to the beach and claims he's too young! My gf wasn't any different until she met me! There's still things she has to change but i'm helping her how to cook and be more active with herself etc etc! Something her mom didn't teach her! what should I do about her little brother?




  1. you and your gf set aside at least 1 day a week to take the baby out someplace fun...I am sorry by the main question I thought we were talking about a baby.. did you mean 11 1/2  almost 12 yr old boy??? In that case the boy needs to get involved with sports even if it is hanging in the driveway shooting hoops which is something you can do with him

  2. the fact is that it is none of your business so butt out

  3. Maybe you and your gf can take her little brother out to do things. He isn't to young to go to the beach, he needs some positive interaction at his age.

  4. Thats very sad. Honestly, I would try to take him places whenever you can if they will let you. If you feel bad for him it's kinda up to you to do something because it's obvious they are not going to. I used to babysit a little boy that was kinda the same deal. He is 4 years old now and when he sees me he runs to me and hugs me. He remembers all that I've done for him and the love I showed him. You can really make a difference in this child's life. I am so glad you are wanting to do something.  

  5. Well, I think the beach is ok, if he has on sunscreen, but you already know that it's ok.

    What you really want to know, is how to get your girlfriend's parents to raise their son/her brother, the  way you think he should be raised, and that's not something that's going to be easy.

    The only thing I could suggest, not knowing the whole story, is to get your girlfriend to do more things with her brother, to where her parents will let her take him out, and then she can see that he gets to the beach, or playgrounds, or wherever he might like to go.

    He's not very old, so I don't know how much this is stopping him from "being all he can be" , but it may be keeping him from getting different experiences and having some fun.

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