
Is it alright for a boy to babysit?

by Guest56549  |  earlier

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i was wondering if its alright for a boy to mom wanted me to baby sit my neighbor's kid for some extra dad thought it was weird for a boy to babysit.




  1. yes. babysitting is practicing to become a good father.

  2. why does he think that its weird for a boy to babysit?

    Does he live in the same century as we do???

    Its good for girls and boys to learn some responsibilities. Dont see why its different for boys! So I think you should babysit!

  3. Nope, I think it's great. My boys would LOVE a male babysitter but I was never able to find one who was responsible enough in the past. Our female babysitter brought her boyfriend once and my boys had a blast! Do it only if you feel comfortable doing so.

    Best Wishes =]

  4. All three of my sons did it when they were teens.

  5. It is not weird, and you probably would be very good at it. So long as you know what you are doing I would employ you to babysit but I have a feeling you are Stateside and I am in the UK.

    That would be an expensive babysit.

    UUK based Mum

  6. i babysit all the time. pepole say its g*y but i don't care cause im making money and i know im not g*y.

    If it makes you money and you know who you are then do it. forget what other pepole say.

  7. It's ok for a boy to babysit! Just look after the kids as well as you can and make sure you do EVERYTHING the parents ask you to and nothing else.

  8. I think its cool as long as your responsible. People shouldn't be like that anymore, anyone can do anything you know.

  9. you better make that money!!

    A boy is sometimes better than a girl (in my opinion) because when they learn the diaper changes and stuff, they are so meticulous about it lol

  10. yeah...why not?

    i mean if its a girl kid it might be kinda wierd, but its still fine...

    im a girl and i babysit 3 boys...

    go for it.

  11. Its ok  to babysit  just cause your a guy doesnt mean anything.

  12. There's nothing wrong with a boy babysitting at all! One of the best babysitters my brother and I had when we were litle was a boy. He was tonnes more fun than some of the girl babysitters we were left with.

    Besides, why should girls get the monopoly on fun babysitting money? Go for it!

  13. My little brother used to babysit... the kids loved it. Incase its some issue of "well thats not manly enough for my son" my brother is now a marine and has a wife of his own. Its just not as usual for boys to babysit! Go for it. Kids are fun to play with and they say the funniest stuff.

  14. thats sexist, a boy can babysit .. theres nothing wrong with it at all

  15. No its not weird. I say its nice to have a change from girls. My friend's older brother used to babysit our neighbor's all the time until he went to college, now his sister babysits them. He was 14-17 when he babysat. And he wasn't a weird kid either, he was really cool and popular. So I say its fine.

  16. children shouldnt be left alone if they are under the age of 14 legally. but if you trust the boy and his parents then why not?

    its your personal judgement that will decide

  17. ya its alright and go to this website! this is so funny

    everytime u go on it, its not gunna have desame pictures that u saw.Theres different onece like "why mens dont baby sit"

    lol its so funny.

  18. Of course it's O.K.! :) Babysitting isn't gender specific. It's about being great with kids, being mature, and being responsible. Don't let your dad make you feel weird. If it's something you want to it!

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