
Is it alright for a guy to watch the secret life of a american teenager? ?

by  |  earlier

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My gf and i were watched a episode and now we both watch it and i think its a interesting show in a way. We try to watch it together.and we both like it. Is it ok for a guy to watch the show?




  1. Pssshhh of course it is.

    Dude, watch anything you want. h**l, go for some chick flicks if you ever got the urge. It doesn't make you any less masculine, for real.  

  2. Well i think that it is ok for guys 2 watch the secret life of an american teenager cause the show really just talks about wat some real american girls go through sometimes.

  3. Yes absolutly! I love that show!! Even though Im a girl. But yes I think you can watch whatever show you want.

  4. No a bunch a guys watch it. Also it is not a chick TV show, A chick TV show is like s*x in the City. Anyway they made that for both girls and boys. It show what a girl goes through when she get pregnant. Then it shows if a guy sleeps with a girl this obviously could happen. So I think it's perfectly fine that you watch the show. The show tells you that you need to take responsibility for your actions.

  5. ummm yea

  6. if you like it then yes

  7. i think its kinda cute =]

  8. yeah totally

  9. I don't see why not it may be about a gril but there are lots of guy stuff in there to.I don't see anything wrong with a guy watching it.

  10. of course it is my cousin watches it any he's a guy he luvs it!

  11. yes, definatly. It obviously teaches girls ALOT of lessons, but also boys.

  12. YES! its my cousin john's favorite show, so yes you can watch it. :D

    and anyways its a really interesting show with humor and drama for everyone.

  13. Nope , that show is HELLA g*y .

  14. yea its ok for a guy to watch the show

  15. Well of course, why wouldn't it be "ok" to watch anything you like to watch?

  16. yeahh why not? haha  

  17. its fine you shouldnt care if people think your weird for watching a good show.

  18. No!  You'll go blind!

  19. my guy friends watch it.

  20. Sure why not. TV isn't gender specific. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I'm not going to like a raunchy comedy or The Sopranos. And watching Gilmore Girls or The Secret Life of an American Teenager doesn't make you any less of a man. Besides that if you're buddies tease you about you can just say she makes you watch it with her.  

  21. lol yes it is okay dont sweat it man

    dont worry about what ppl think of u

    if some1 judges u as soon as they see u there prbly insecure

  22. well you can it intresting but too much btalking  it gets annoying some times

  23. its a fabulus show so a yeah i gotmy gma watching it now! lol

  24. I thinks its okay guys are in the show and all

    I wacth it and I think guys should be able to wacth it to so i think its okay so yeah I thinks its okay you like the show.

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