
Is it alright for men to shave around their p***s?

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I have heard friends of mine do shave constantly, and I have done it a few times but is it alright? Like i prefer it but what do other people think about it, and is it alright for i to be completely shaved out?





  1. I do it.

  2. It is forbidden

  3. It alright to do, but it itches like a m**o!

    And girls prefer not having shrubbery smacking against them over and over during s*x.

  4. I never have , but the modern thing for younger guys seems to be the shaved look as it can make the equipment4nt took just that touch bigger !!

  5. sure it's alright. I don't care for that look myself, but it's your body and you can do what you wish.  


  7. when i first started dating my boyfriend he shaved. i told him i hated it and now he leaves it alone. its just the way i am . i think men should have body hair.

  8.    it will make you look bigger--  just leave some, you don't want look like an 11 year old

  9. yeah its way better and it prevents infections and girls love it

  10. well h**l! if you can mangae that without cutting yourself all to pieces....i know i'd highly prefer it! my fiance shaves where he can, but trims the rest. it would make it much easier, and may change someone's mind on the bj opinion, it's not my favorite thing on the menu, im always worried about hair in my mouth, which i cant stand, but i do have to say i may order much more often.

  11. It's all personal preference.

    Nothing wrong with it at all.

  12. Dude do what you feel. Its no ones business but yours and your mate.

    It may itch a little,never the less enjoy.

  13. lol. its alright, its just your preference.

  14. its fine.  but ive heard it itches like crazy

  15. It's really all in your personal preference.  I can pretty much tell you that there aren't a great many women in the world who would look at a johnson buried in Osama's beard and say 'Mmmm...I want me some of that!"  I mean, it's a's not very pretty to begin with!

    In any case, over the last few years I've undergone kind of a vain streak so I like the way my body looks when I've got my personal areas trimmed up pron-star (misspelled on purpose) style.  I'm 32 now so I've got bits of hair popping up all over the place and disappearing from places where there SHOULD be hair...I love getting old.  So there ya's really common these days for men to at the very least trim up their junk.

  16. Yes it's okay to do it.  Makes the p***s look longer and bigger more inviting to look at.

  17. I think the pubic hairs can be very erotic and I love having them lightly stroked,plucked and tickled.  Any other guys like that too? I have shaved once or twice but didnt like that prickly feeling as they started to grow again

  18. Just make sure Lorena Bobbitt doesn't do it.

  19. I shave the shaft and trim the rest short.  I'm small (4.8" hard, 1.5" soft) so it makes it look bigger!    Shaved completely is weird!

  20. It is alright.  

  21. I like mine trimmed and clean looking, It's all a personal preference on what you like.

    If you take the time to do it right, its worth it.

  22. i guess you can if you want to. myself, i don,t.

  23. I just shave the shaft and trim down the rest. It makes it look bigger, but it also leaves some hair for a mature look.  But do whatever you want...its your body, have fun with it.

  24. it is alright but i dnt shave all my hair but u can because it does no harm

    but personally i dnt shave all completly  

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