
Is it alright to be a fan of a high school that u dont go to?

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my friend really want to go to this school but her parents wont let her b/c its public and she goes to a private school. her parents believe that she would get a better education if she went to the private. i personally disagree. and b/c of this she is a big fan of the public school




  1. You can choose to support any school you like.

    It does sound like she is doing it simply because she wants to spite her parents though, rather than actually having a true sense/reason to join in any school spirit so to speak.

    Personally I do agree with her parents, most private schools do provide a better education, as well as a more positive environment for their students than the public schools do.

  2. yes it dosent matter which school u go u wanna be a fan of what jus do it this is ur life

  3. When I was homeschooling, I went to all my cousin's football games dressed in blue and silver and when I went to my brother's games at his private school I was dressed in all purple and gold.  Your friend can be a fan of any school she wants to!

  4. Private schools are not sponsored by the government for a very good reason. That reason is that they have a seperate curriculum. Most private schools are the same. Their curriculum is way more advanced than public schools. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.

    In response to your question, it's not ok to be a fan of any other schools. At my school your *** = kicked.

  5. That's sort of like asking if it's okay if you like the colours blue and gold when your school has the colours green and gold.

    Is this a legal issue? A moral issue? An ethical issue? No. Then she can be a fan of whatever she wants to be.

  6. Public schools are great. Private schools shelter you from the real world and dont give you a feeling of what itll be like out of college.

  7. I agree that you get a better education in private schools. i also think that since everyone in America has a right to choose, she should be allowed to like whatever she likes. i just don't understand why her parents wouldn't let her go to public school unless she is doing better in these advanced classes than average kids do.

    All in all, i think your friend should keep pushing for public school if she thinks she will cope better there.

  8. Yes, you can.  But her parents are probably right about getting a bertter education at the private school.  all around, including better demeanor, better manners, more accomplished in conversation.  Immature kids should get about 1/5 share of a vote in these matters. ie none.

  9. sure why not like or support any school your choice

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