
Is it alright to clean your contact lens cases with boiling water?

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I've heard a few people telling me to do that but can the water actually melt or damage the case?




  1. Depends on the case, if its made of certain materials, then yes it will melt or warp. Don't try it if you dont want to risk it. But it would help clean it. Your choice.

  2. i just use hot water from the sink and soap!

  3. Some of them melt. Just use ordinary warm water with a clean toothbrush, let it air dry. Replace the case frequently (at least every 3 months).

  4. this is an interesting question boiling water hmm id say that u would proboly make them quit clean but they can end up getting dry quickly 2 i dunno about the damage or melting but i no a way u can find out take sum plastic wrap and put it in the hot water for the same duration seeing as the wrap is thinner it has a higher chance of melting but dont let it touch the pot if it doesnt melt your good if it slighly melts your still prolly good if it melts alot then dont use hotwater lemme no how it works

  5. Warm water from the tap and a toothbrush ??

    Now, that's very sterile !

    Tap water should never touch your lenses OR your case.

    At the office , there are always a few contact cases that have been used with trial lenses for patients.

    I use the Opti-Free cases by the way.

    I have been throwing them in boiling water for years to clean them and never saw one melt or get damaged.

    Using tap water is a BAD suggestion to clean it.

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