
Is it alright to drive slower to find a certain house on a road?

by  |  earlier

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When I'm going to someone's house I've never been before and I'm looking for their particular house by number and their house is on a busy street, I feel like the people behind me are going to get pissed off with me driving slow and cause an accident, so sometimes I drive faster and then I miss the house. What do you do in these situations?




  1. Quit being a people pleaser! Don't be rude on purpose but sometimes you gotta do stuff others don't like and thats too d**n bad!

  2. forget what other drivers think. you have a duty when your driving and its to find a partifular place your off to so if other drivers have a problem with what you have planned to do that day then s***w them :]

    dont worry i have to saaaame problem lol

  3. Every minute or so, you pull over, stick your hand out the window and wave the people behind you to pass.

    Additionally, put your blinker on, or your hazard lights so they'll understand that you are driving slow for a reason...

    It might be interesting to see what answers this question elicits in the "Etiquette" column.

  4. 1.try not to slow down till youre at least near it

    2.that's considerate enough already, so dont worry too much about them

    3. if you ARE blocking things up, pull over and let them all pass

  5. You are OK to drive slow, they will just have to wait. I'm sure everybody has had to do that at some point in their life. Just ignore them if they bib.

  6. I do not care what people think...... If someone honks are gives me the finger I will get next to someone else who is slow and not let them pass. I love s******g with people who think the world beats to there drum. I love at work when these stupid people call up/come up with this attitude.... At work I just p**s of angry customers by always being cool and calm.... and if I have a stupid manager working I will call them over to confuse them even more..... hahaha.... who gives a c**p what anyone thinks ..... its funny to see people get mad over the little-est and stupidest things.... I love it.... and love to egg it on.

  7. Go as fast as you want, if the drivers behind you can't wait then pull over once in a while and let them pass, otherwise don't worry if they honk or come up real close to your car, they really can't do anything else to you.

  8. only if its safe to do must not interupt the flow of cars,if u do then your braking the law

  9. Drive at whatever speed you feel comfortable at when in search of a house building or location people may get irritated but oh well you cannot let another driver pressure you in a vehicle you are the operator and need to get where you are going dont be scared to drive at a slower speed than the posted speed limit

  10. Hi there!  Well to be honest with you, I'm 23 years old, and have never seen or been part of an accident that had been caused by these actions.  People will in fact get pissed every now and then, but those people might need to practice a little more patience now won't they?  Just go as slow as you need to, and let the people behind you worry about their anger issues.  Plus, driving faster while looking at the house numbers, not the road, could cause you to get into something even worse than you were expecting : )

    Hope I helped!

  11. The kind of people who get irritated with a driver going slower than they wish are the very self-same type who don't put clear, easily-seen house numbers on their homes.

    Don't you wish that, like James Bond, you could have a huge rear-pointing cannon so you could press a button on your dash and blast them to hellangone?

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