
Is it alright to have two regular filters in one tank?

by  |  earlier

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I have a fairly big tank, (fits a huge goldfish, two koi's, two more average size fish, and some other small fish) The water is obviously some what cloudy because of all the waste. I was wondering if it is alright to add another filter to help reduce the cloudiness?

I dont want to spend a good 60 dollars on a new big filter, which is why i think a small 20 dollar one in addition to the one i have might be suitable.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.




  1. yes it is perfectly fine

  2. yes for sure! I have a 34 gallon hex tank with an Aquaclear 150 and a Fluval 2 filter it keeps the water so nice and clean...

  3. Yes, you should not have any problem with two filters in fact it will be better for the aquarium.

  4. Sounds like you have an overcrowded tank as it is.

    Added a new filter can help with the waste, but it just might be that you have an overload of fish in your tank.

  5. Yes that would be fine, though I must add Koi need a 1000 gallons and goldfish should be a lone in the tank.  What are the other smaller fish?  Your tank sounds like it will be disastrous sooner rather then later.  

  6. Yes you can have two or more filters on the same tank and having two different type of filters can greatly improve your water quality.  If you add a sponge filter running off an air pump you will see a noticeable difference in water clarity and for less money than an outside power filter.  You could also consider buying a power head to increase oxygenation and water circulation.  It won't filter the water but the water will look cleaner and clearer with more diffused oxygen in it.  Power heads are great for larger tanks and your goldfish and koi will love the water currents created by one.

  7. yes due to the width of a big tank one is not sufficient specialy for goldfish and koi.  However an ordinary overhead filter will do the same it cost less and easy to clean rather buying a canister which cost you much and harder to clean why not buy two new overhead filter.

    kOi keeper & goldfish keeper

  8. Yep, that'd be fine. The cleaner the better, right? :]

  9. Yes, it is perfectly fine.

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