
Is it alright to love a 60 year old man?

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I am 18 years old and i think i am in love with a man who is 3 times my age. We had this thing then we stopped because my family got involved. Now i think i am in love with him but i am scared that my family will rejected him again. He has two daughters my age so that makes it hard




  1. Please do not listen to the majority of the other people who have posted. They do not know you, this man, nor have they walked a mile in your shoes. They have no right to judge.

    You need to do what's best for YOU. If your family truly loves you (Same with his) they will eventually come around. They are probably just afraid that this won't last or that he's taking advantage of you. Perhaps meeting him would help? The same would go for you meeting his daughters. If you both really love eachother then don't let anyone or anybody stand in your way. Society is too judgemental these days. We should worry about our own selves, rather than point fingers at other people. And remember, age doesn't matter. It's the maturity level that counts. Best of luck to you!  

  2. The guy has maybe 10 years left in him, 20 if he is lucky.

    go to a therapist and work out your issues.

  3. wow. thats gross. but i really dont think your inlove with him. maybe because he might of was your first and he has the means to take care of youbutno sweetie. get someone your own age.

  4. well I think when it comes to true  love it is the soul of that person that you  fall in love with  not so much the body, and your family just see a dirty old man and they are just trying to protect you, but you are one of those amazing people who look beyond  the appearance of a person.

    but you have to remember that he is 60 and your 18 his time here is limited so you have to be prepared for that time in his life when it is time for him to pass!

  5. thats disturbing and gross

  6. I fear you feel this way due to either mental trauma or manipulation on his part. Seek counseling.

  7. theres nothing wrong with what you think is love, which it is not, its fatuation, they are charming, witty and he probley has a perscrition for viagra which makes him think hes 18. I think the guy is sick in the head, for even talking to you yet wanting more. If your only 18 in a few years  you will be 21, are you going to be to old for him???? If he crokes having s*x with you, you will be scared for life. Listen to your parents, if you like older men 30 or 40 year old have a lot more to offer.

  8. yes it's alright to love someone that age but you need to examine some things on your part is it really love? I mean age is not a major criteria but at the same time what do you two have in common you're 18 your life is just about to begin do you enjoy similar music, interests, what if you decided on a career that took you away from him for a while would he be willing to support your decision to make a life for yourself or would he discourage it there are a lot of things that you want be able to see right now because thinking you are in love temporarily blinds you to reality perhaps you should wait and find someone a little closer to your age that you can experience things together later on down the road you might decide on a family what will he think about that.

  9. ewwwwwww girl your family is so right stay away from him he could like be your grandfather and if he has to girls like you they will make your life a living h**l i know i will if i was in there place and by the time your in you 20s he will might be dead and you will find a younger hotter sexyer sweeter guy.

    then you will know how wrong you were with that disgusting pervert 60 year old man its just so eww just to think about.your not no playboy bunny ok so just stay away from that pervert ew you can be hes daughters your age ewwwwww that's just ew how can you even think of being with him O_o  

  10. You are still young and is it really true love or what? I am not be mean or judge you. You have a whole life to fall in love with someone around your own age group. Your family is getting involved that they love you and they don't want you to get hurt if this relationship does not work. Special that he has two kids already. Seems like maybe  he only want you to baby sit  the two kids. Let him rejected you for now and give yourself another year or so and if you still love him than go for it. Myself married a guy who  is 16 yrs older than me but, and my 2nd marriage.This is true love for me and i waited for a very long time to be happy?


  12. He was 50 when you were ten... no it's not on.

    Look at it from all perspectives, just because something feels good doesn't mean it's o.k

    It's just not right.

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