
Is it alright to not party like most people do?

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I don't party at all because I'd rather do something else like read or listen to music, or hike. Everytime I see people putting up loads of party pictures on facebook I start wondering if I'm the only one who is this way. Is it ok to not be like that?

I know I've asked similar questions before but I'm just wondering if it's ok to be different than most other college students.




  1. Oh please, people put pictures like that up to make it seem like they're cool. Meanwhile their lives are mess. I have a old friend that has all these party pix up that make it seem like she is the life of the party and has a lot of friends. In reality, she's over 35 has three kids with three different fathers and hangs out with people who are 21. Not too cool huh! And more often than not, that's the way it is.

    You go ahead and do what's good for you. Don't worry about online social networks. It sounds like to me you know how to entertain yourself and sadly, not a lot of people know how to do that anymore.

  2. completley fine i dont party who cares there better things then partying dont copy other people

  3. You are fine!  There is nothing wrong with not being a party person.  Not everyone is.  And your life will go on just fine! All you are missing is waking up hung-over, being tired, missing classes or failing classes, and having a string of embarrasing events that will haunt you the rest of your life.

    Now, it doesn't hurt to go out every now and then with your friends.  We had a group that once a month went down to one of the mellower bars, and hung out for a few hours, just relaxing and talking.  But, if you don't want to... you don't have to!

  4. Most people I know don't party. Those people on facebook are just trying to show off. You do what's right for you :)

  5. Depending on your age, you may or may not go thru a phase where that seems like the fun thing to do. I used to do that c**p alot but it just got old and redundant.  The same stupid people doing the same stupid "crazy" things every night.  Your body will thank you later for not acting like an idiot :)

    And really, facbook and myspace are just places where people try to make themselves appear nuch more interesting than they really are.  If all they do is get trashed and sleep around, its a safe bet they have low self esteem, do crappy in school, and have very little real friends (drinking buddies are very different from friends).

  6. its alright. you dont need to party to have fun!

    people just party to look good and to have a gooooood time.

    you can have fun doing other stuff:)

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