
Is it alright to refer to women as, "b*****s," and "hos"?

by  |  earlier

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Either behind their backs or just for fun. Any thoughts?




  1. If you have no class, no respect for others (or yourself! you're disrespecting yourself by using that language.), and are uneducated and those are the only words you know to describe a lady...then, maybe, it's okay.

  2. well it is pretty degrading

    i'd go crazy if a guy said that 2 me

    but im being a hypocrite :)

    its fun 2 say

    so yea.


  3. It's womanizing, and degrading. People who talk like that sound low class and uneducated.

  4. isn't it odd that every man you meet who is dismissive or derogatory about women seems to be short, fat, geriatric, hangin' out for it or incapable?

    do nice guys just look more acceptable, or what?

  5. Are you seriously asking this question!?! Of course it's not ok.

  6. No, it's sexist and degrading.

  7. No, it is not alright to refer to women in general as "b*****s" or "hos".

    You call a bi*ch a "b*tch" and a ho a "ho"; don't use those terms as replacements for "women".

  8. call women whatever you want, just don't be surprised to get slapped and never get  laid.

  9. Every good Protestant or denomination thereof Say's yes as taught by their founder

    The word and works of God is quite clear, that women were made either to be wives or prostitutes."

    [Martin Luther, Works 12.94]

  10. If it's okay to get slapped.

  11. There are some women out there who really are b*****s, but in general i wouldn't advise it.

  12. Only if they ARE a ***** or a ho. Then no if not.

  13. No it isn't all right!

  14. Refer to them whatever you want. You will anyways. Cool guys don't do that,only wimps, little girlie's, Sissy's do. What class are you in?

  15. er.


  16. how would you react is some one call your Mother  this words lest say some stranger?

  17. Hey, call them what ever you like. You attract those kinds of women if you refer to us that way, as no self respecting woman will come within cooee of you if you refer to them as b*****s and hos. So if b*****s and hos are what does it for ya...then go for it matey!

  18. Call them what you like, dosn't mean they are one! I treat each person as I find them (I don't catagorise them)! The smart girls won't give you the time of day anyway because they will see you as you are.

  19. I suspect when you use these terms you don't mean them to be respectful or complementing.  But If you are then there are more appropriate terms out there.  

    I'm sure there is that rare case out there that wouldn't mind you calling them either one of those terms in which case you belong together and there is no argument.  But, in general I'd have to say no its not okay.

  20. How about NO!

  21. Depends, if they r a hoe or a ***** then SURE after all youd only be telling the truth!

    but if you wer talkin in general as if youd say something like:"look at that hoe over there" then no becos it is pretty degrading.

    oh nd sometimes its ok in a joking way if youv known the person for a pretty long time or ur close. but dnt use it as a pickup line cos trust me ul get slapped lol.

    hope that was helpful! :D lol

  22. Never!! Unless you want to get hit!! It would be like if women called men a$$holes,Dickheads, and DumbFxcks. How would men feel if that's all women called men even if just for fun? Words carry meaning and alot of weight.In today's world we need to focus on lifting each other up, and not beating each other down. Us women do get tired of being referred as dogs,prostitutes and any other word that demeans us and makes us less than we are. We are to be worshiped because of the simple fact that we gave birth to all you men. Just remember what ever you call another women you are putting your Mother in that same group.And women need to do the same, we need to stop putting men down with nasty labels. Yes, some are a$$holes,b*****s etc... but what gives us the right to say so?Help build someone up instead of keeping them beat down!

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