
Is it alright to wax your snowboard with car wax?

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My friend told me theres special wax for snowboards but i fugure whats the big differance ya know?




  1. no way do not do that they make waxes for many different things like car wax is for cars because it makes it shiny. I know its still wax but you cant use skimboard wax because it makes it more grip, so snow board wax works a certain way and therer is a special process of putting it on right

  2. You can use auto wax on the top-sheet of your snowboard, but don't put it on the base.  Buy wax that is designed for your board.  I've been using KUU products for years.  They also provide a great (and free) tuning guide that will tell you all you need to know about waxing and tuning:

  3. Snowboard wax has as much in common with car wax as hair wax has to candle wax.  You'll mess up your board, it's a super bad idea.

    Most ski shops can wax your board in a matter of minutes and usually the service shouldn't run you more than $10.  They'll do a bang up job appropriate for wherever you're going to be riding.  A board is a good investment so protect it!

  4. Only think about doing this if your snowboard is a disposable one, i.e. use once then throw away. The whole point of snow waxs is that they soak into the base layer, which is porous. They serve a different purpose to car waxes and have very different chemical compositions. The only similarity is that they are both called waxes.

  5. Why don't you get a candle and let it melt on the board?

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