
Is it always about s*x?

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You know i've been reading these questions and i started to notice that quite a few women constantly complain about not getting enough s*x out of their husbands. I've also heard the same complaint occasionaly from my own wife.

So I have been thinking about my relationship with her, and many past relationships... And i keep thinking about how many times i've heard women ask of their men, "Is it always about s*x with you?"

Just sort of seems that when men want it women don't and when women want it men don't. Anyone able to explain this or do you think this is just some cruel trick that is played upon the human race by some unseen force?




  1. You can avoid all of that by not getting married.  Because when you are single, you only see a woman when she's looking her best and in the mood.  That all goes away once you sign a contract.

  2. There's always been a double standard.  A man that wants it all the time is an inconsiderate pervert.  A woman that wants it all the time has a husband that just doesn't satisfy her - so either way, it's the man's fault.

  3. the women i know ask "is it only about s*x with you" when they are on their monthly. I think you should choose someone that is like you. if you always want it, choose someone that always wants it. if you don't want it choose someone that doesn't wants it.

  4. Well it all depends on the relationship you´re in. For example in a marriage, after many years together and even in the beginning for many couples, rutine gets to them and responsabilities grow and last you know, you forgot all what brought you to fall in love with your partner in the first place. The responsability of work, paying bills and children is overwhelming and couples need to stay strong and keep very strict rules about spending time with each other, and even keeping exclusive days for intimacy to keep it up, otherwise, they forget.

    That´s for marriage, but in general, any relationship after some or many years fall into the same problem. Why do women complain? Well, they´ve worked all day either outside or inside the home, discipline the kids and prepare food, listen to all the problems inside and out and still on the tiring Monday night when all she wants to do is sleep, comes in the man wanting some pleasure now and fast. Most women would ask: "is it all about s*x with you?"

    Where´s the love, the caring, the understanding...and this will go in reverse to men as well. So to keep up a good s*x life, there must be affection and understanding. It can´t just be, ok let´s do it and that´s it. There´s more to it.

    Just think about when you´re younger, in your teens or college. Your responsability is minimal. It´s studying, maybe a part time job and partying. You and your partner are having the best s*x ever. Nothing in your mind, except having a great time, at any time, at any moment, even if you´re tired, besides being younger obviously you´ve got more energies! But still, life is easier and you´re imature, it´s all about the fun and some love.

    Couples need to stay strong by communication, respect, honesty, loyalty and understanding. It´s very essential to keep all of these as fresh as possible even with all the hectic rutines we all put in ourselves. Never forget to keep up the sparks and always realize when they´re slowing down to pick them up again. It´s about maintance. Problem is the most people get married, and believe it´s all going to move on smoothly just because you´re married.  

  5. As i believe women want as much s*x as men do but they often turn down the offered. If you don't after them for s*x they wondering where have to get it from and why dint' you want them. If you are after them for s*x than this is what you normally heard, Is that all you want.

    I don't really know, weather they want to be in control, Lazy, or just being a *****.

  6. I seem to want it all the time ,so I am the one complaining, maybe I should become a Mormon so I can have more wives.

  7. No it ain't a cruel trick.  Men and women have a very hard time communicating with one another.  They refuse to even try and often use s*x as a weapon against one another (women) or use s*x to fulfill their own pleasures (men).  The answer is for both genders to find out what their partner wants, their fantasies, their desires, their spots, etc.  Then you're halfway to paradise.  

  8. well yea for the most part is is about s*x

  9. with me it's not just about the s*x it's about her wanting to have s*x, we have s*x but she never wants it it's me always wanting it, I think it's about wanting to be wanted, wanting to be desired

  10. That's what you get when you have a bunch of 12 year olds giving you advice.

    BTW most women are too tired for s*x when they have to put up with a family, kids and a job.  Take that from someone with two decades of marriage.

    You're lucky if you can squeeze in a quickie here and there and the timing is always usually off so someone is always "compromising".  That's just life.

  11. All I know is it just happens that way for some reason ,weird but it does.

  12. s*x to women is more than just the act.  s*x also means the hand holding, extra look, brush of the hand.  Even doing the dishes when it's not your turn.  Men love the chase - you should know that, so when a women doesn't want it, it makes it more of an attraction to men.  Women also  have a lot on their minds, is the house clean, do we have groceries, are the kids done with homework, it goes on and on.  Even if it isn't their responsibility in the house, it is still on the mind. Just light some candles, send the kids out of the house, make dinner and that should do the trick.

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