
Is it amazing that humans grow inside their mothers and skeletals can remain for millions of years after?

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Is it amazing that humans grow inside their mothers and skeletals can remain for millions of years after?




  1. While some people would say that it isn't amazing, simply for the fact that it happens every day and has for millennia... But I think that everything about the human body, conception, birth, death, and everything else that has to do with our lives is amazing.

    I don't know HOW it happens exactly.... some would say God... I say an elaborate evolutionary marvel.... either way... it definitely explains another question... "I'm 7 months pregnant and I'm severely calcium deficient... why?"


    I loved this question, by the way.

  2. Yes very amazing and did you know that hair and nails continue to grow once you are dead?? That's also amazing, lol.

  3. In diagenesis, the bones are replaced with rock. It's not suprising to me that rock can last for millions of years: rocks are very durable.

    As for pregnancy, it's not really that unusual based upons trends found in other animals: all animals to a degree grow s*x cells inside their body.

  4. very

  5. You mean the baby keeps growing?

  6. Good thinking!  Yes, it's amazing dear.  I have never thought about that.  I am sure there is some kind of explanation.  This is interesting and I will look for the responses.

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