
Is it an American Tragedy that the FED GOVT.would make a weak case against Barry Bonds...?

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...and they won't take responsibility for going after Wally O'dell whom is guilty of election fraud while he was CEO at Diebold Corp?




  1. Performance enhancing drugs have made a joke out of Bond's record

    and has harmed major league baseball

    wouldn't be any different if Jimmy Johnson used a banned fuel in his car to win----it's cheating

    seeing as though the substance is illegal to own or use

    I think the case is appropriate

  2. I havent seen the indictment.......what in it makes it weak?

    Anything that happens to Barry Bonds can hardly be considered an american tradgedy...D-DAY was an american tradgedy, 9/11 was an american  tradgedy, barry bonds reallly doent matter

  3. NPR this morning said that the Feds would not have made an indictment unless the case was very strong.

  4. At least they let Barry go ahead and finish that home run record.

  5. The tragedy here is what Bonds did to Baseball, and the kids that love the game.   He and anyone else who test positive for drugs should be banned from sports for life, and then do jail time.

  6. Yes, it is an American tragedy.  The President lied to the entire country and has not had the courts after him.  Why would you go after a man after the matter has been disposed of?  Because of the consipacy to undermine his acheivments as a Black man in the history books.

  7. Bond is just a distraction, just like paris hilton.

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