
Is it an Arizona state law for an 8 yr old boy to wear a helmet on and electric scooter in the neighborhood?

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My 8 year old son's rechargable scooter goes 10 miles an hour. My husband lets him ride it to the end of the block (about 6 houses down) and back without a saftey helmet on. Our neighborhood does not have sidewalks so he has to ride it in the street. Our street is semi busy, but not heavy traffic at all. I get upset when he let's him do this and I want to know if it is a law here in AZ , is it illegal to ride these scooters without a helmet on a boy of this age? My Hubby thinks I'm being over protective but I think I'm being safety smart. What's your opinion?




  1. At 10 miles per hour your skull and neck crack like a coconut.

    And if you are lucky to survive hitting the ground head first, then your neck and backbone will be broken letting the person paralyzed for life.

    Remember Christopher Reeve (Superman)?, he was running his hoarse at 5 or 10 mph when he was thrown to the ground head first. And he was paralyzed for life.

    Also remember that even if he goes a 10 MPH, CARS go faster.

    Sometime ago a girl was ruining her bicycle, then a driver backing up her car hit the girl and run over her HEAD with the back tire, when she woke up her helmet was cracked in two pieces, her head was OK (God bless her).

    And yes it's illegal to drive bikes without helmets; as a matter of fact it's illegal to use the road to play with a rechargeable scooters (they are not legal driving bikes; plus he is a minor, if he is seen by a patrolman driving a non-legal bike with no helmet and no supervision you will have to deal with child services and a lot of negligence charges).

  2. Years ago, I had a sneezing fit while driving down a quiet street, like 7 sneezes in a row!  I ran into a mailbox since my hands and head were jerking around with the uncontrollable sneezing.  Could have easily been a kid on a scooter.  Get the helmet.

  3. To begin with according to the law in Arizona the age in which it is lawful to ride a "goped" is 14 so already your son is breaking the law if he is only 8 and riding one.  And yes it is a law that a helmet be worn.  See below

  4. I think you should get a helmet and make your son wear it, regardless of the law. He is riding IN the street, you don't need heavy traffic, all it takes is just driver to glance away and hit your son. And you know what could happen if he's not wearing a helmet. I don't think that's being "overprotective" at all, its being safety-smart, like you said. I think this is one point that you should definitely stand your ground on...

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