
Is it annoying when someone says WHAT?

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I sometimes can't hear or understand some people so I have to keep repeating..what a lot. Is this annoying to people?




  1. Oh my goodness, that happens to me ALL THE TIME. I feel like I'm annoying to people, but really they are kind of annoying me. A bunch of my friends mumble, so I have no idea what they are saying.

  2. HAHAHAHA i say what a lot too!!! And my friends get annoyed too! So i guess it is! BUt i always say it! HAHAHa!

  3. lol, i'm really hard of hearing, so when they say something and i bearly hear it, i say what I think they said.

    A lot of the time it's funny, they laugh, and repeat it louder. It works :)

  4. it's even funnier to hear "sorry"

    you make a  5-10 minutes speech and then "sorry?"

    every time i start seeking for a "rewind button" on me


  5. i get annoyed by myself when i keep on saying " what...what" especially that sometimes i say it although i've actually heard what the other person've said o_0

  6. it is annoying but sometimes people are more hard of hearing than we think they are. also sometimes we speak quieter than we realize  


  8. omg!

    yes I hate it when people do that.

    But don't worry its not nearly as annoying when people repeat what they think you said.

  9. What? What? What? What did you say?  Say WHAT?!?  What? What? What? What?.........  jk!  :o)

  10. yes it is. do that to me and ill backhand you in the mouth

  11. WHAT?

  12. instead of saying what, say excuse me, or can you say that again. haha just try avoid using the word what. Vary with the words.

  13. yes.

    but some people dont speak clearly.

    they're speaking like eating 5 chewing gums all together.

  14. Yeah if I can't hear somebody I try to vary it up, using "what's that", "pardon me" or " could you repeat that"!  Hope this helps!

  15. well it can get annoying...especially if you have to repeat over and over again what you said. but i do it a lot because i have bad hearing.^_^♥

  16. Honestly, no.


  17. Once is ok, when they say it again I just say nevermind unless it's really important, then I'll just repeat it really slowly like they're retarded or something.

  18. It annoys me when i say something to an extended length and then someone replies "wha...". I hate that because i am most def not willing to repeat myself.

    My sisters also bother me because they've built a habit in which every single time you say something to them they say "what" no matter how clear, just because they need to hear it twice. Or when they ignore you the first time...

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