
Is it anxiety or somthing more?

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I think I have an anxiety disorder. I have many of the symptoms but I think there is more to it. Sometimes I see things in the corner of my eye like a person sitting on the couch which makes me take a second glance. It does not happen a lot and I am never directly looking or focused on it. It is just a quick glance. Is this another symptom of anxiety or more serious.




  1. Hard to say.  I'd say probably just anxiety.  However, if this particular problem persists once you get your anxiety disorder treated, it could be something more.

    The best thing to do is see a psychologist or psychiatrist experienced in assessing and treating anxiety.

    Here's a link to a therapist listing service:

    partway down the page there's a place to put in your zipcode and find a therapist in your area.  Look for those who specialize in anxiety; the specializations are listed toward the bottom of each profile.

  2. That's more of paranoia..

    I have an anxiety disorder as does my mother. Hers is more worse than mine. She has to take meds for it or else she panics really badly and can struggle to breathe. You may wanna talk to a therapist.  

  3. I would say something more serious and should be taken seriously first talk with your Family Dr see what he has to say  

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