
Is it appropriate for a 16 year old to buy his own car?

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I will have been driving for two years; my parents don't think its appropriate for someone that young to have his/her own car.




  1. yes, that's when you start learning how to be an adult, you start driving and get experience early...

  2. sure. i know people who have to pay for it all. including gas and insurance, and insurance goes up a lot once you get your license. let alone car. but im 16, ill be 17 in september. my mom was hesitant at first but im more than likely getting a car this year, and my grandma would pay for it all. shes rich =) lol. but yeah. im getting a used one for around 4-8000. i dont think its necessary to have a huge amazing car since in a few years youll sell this and get a better one...but whatever. its ok for you to get it.

    i offered to pay for my own gas OR insurance, since with a job at my age i couldnt pay for both. but i have a feeling my mom would be fine paying for both, cuz my car would be mostly for church and youth group and school. if i wanted to go to my friends id have to pay for gas myself probly.

  3. I bought all of my cars. im 17. my first car was a cheap $500 toyota that i got when i was 13.  Then i got a datsun 280z for $300 that i fixed up when i was 16. Now i have a new lumina that i paid 1200 for.    (I sold the datsun for 3600 though)  So there are cheap cars out there for little to nothin.  Weather its appropriate or not, Its one of your first steps to responsibility.

  4. It shows some maturity on your part in accepting responsibility. I had already owned 3 cars by the time I was 16 and then pd my insurance too. Thing was, Mom and Dad still held the title( no one under 18 yrs of age may enter into a contract to buy , sell, or enter into an agreement ) So, at anytime if I screwed up they could yank the keys out of my hands. Agree to this and show them what I wrote

  5. i do im on my 2nd and im 17

  6. I guess you should also check insurance quotes for the car before buying one, for example here:

    First time drivers usually have much higher rates than others. And it depends from car.

  7. gksprint:

    If you have the cash, get the ride.

    I bought my first car at 16 by selling a steer and a dirt bike.

    Be polite and use reverse psychology.

    Ask your parents when they got their first car.

    How did they feel when their parents said no.

    What do you need to do to prove you are responsible enough to drive.

    Think like an adult, and you will win.

    Good luck good buddy.

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