
Is it appropriate for a 5 year old to watch " The Simpson's " ?

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Is it appropriate for a 5 year old to watch " The Simpson's " ?




  1. It depends on the particular episode.  Most of them are okay for a 5-year-old, but a few are a bit too sexual which I don't think is appropriate for a 5-year-old.  

    My 5-year-old and my 7-year-old both love the Simpsons.  I'm not a big fan, but I do watch it with them to monitor what the particular episode is about.  If a particular episode or some of the content in it isn't appropriate for them, I turn it off.

  2. i did. and i turned out fine ... i think? hopefully ...

    mmm, maybe then no its not alright.

  3. I wouldn't let my 5 year old watch it, I think the content makes it more of a teen show....I don't want my child to learn to be rude and all the other "funny" things in that show

    Don't get me wrong, I like the simpson's, but I'm an adult...Just like I wouldn't let my young child watch family guy or futurama.

  4. there are SOME episodes that might not really be appropriate

    but i think most of them are absolutely fine

  5. There are many more things to engage that young mind.  If you struggle with TV programming, get a library card and pick up DVD's that are appropriate, entertaining and educational.

  6. Yes this is not a bad show you would really be surprised what these kids learn from watching a show like this My daughter is 7 and she loves this show but then again she also loves to watch The Family Guy (not a good show for your daughter) I tell her no she cant watch it but when Im not around she does it anyway but yes the simpsons in a alright cartoon.

  7. Yes of course.

  8. only if he doesnt start drinking and choking his stuffed animals

  9. Hmm.  I think it is a little too much for a five year old.

  10. I don't think it is a big deal. I let my kids watch. The Simpson's humor is adult but done in such a way that it will go over kids' heads. It is very sublts and mostly innuendo. Now, Family Guy and American Dad--those are entirely different. My kids can watch The Simpsons but not the other two.

  11. theres no harm in that.. whats the worst that could happen. they learn some slangs..ok bad words!.. theyl soon grow to bcom teens

  12. ya i watched it when i was five it rarely has bad stuff

  13. I mean.... not really but it's not the end of the world.  There's so many other cartoons far more suitable for 5 year olds I don't know why The Simpsons would trump those...

  14. no have you watched it it has a lot of adult content maybe 13 yr old but not 5

  15. nope not at all i dont even let my 10 year old watch it its not a good show for kids

  16. The Simpson's isn't for children... If i were you, I would watch it with them to make sure they aren't seeing anything too bad.

    Although some of their jokes would just go straight over a little ones head, sometimes they do have jokes that a 5year old might understand.  It depends on the episode.

  17. I believe so.

    I was raised by the simpsons and i'm fine :S

    Personally i'd rather my 5yo watch the simpsons than the news. News is full of murder and violence.

    If you raise your kids properly and teach them how to behave....then the simpsons wouldn't be a problem.

  18. no - i no that many 5yr old are  allowed to, but seeing as the simpsons has many many sexual references, swearing, stunts that should not be attempted at home, drug references etc, i would wait a while.

    until your kids can take that sort of thing seriously and as a joke, its not a good idea for them to be exposed to that - i know from personal experience that they take it all in and think it is ok - they then can become little terrors

    i would say, do not give in to the pressure - be a good parent and wait until they are at leat 10 or so. then they can take it seriously. :-)

    i hope this helps you.

  19. Are you utterly serious?  No!  Please don't fill a child's head with that c**p...or yourself for that matter.

  20. NO...

  21. i'd have him/her stick to age appropriate shows. if you have to ask if they can watch it, its probably not ok.

  22. 5-105

  23. Not in our home, no.

    But we would not tell another family which shows to allow their children to watch.

  24. I don't think so....


  26. Occasionally I'll let my five year old daughter watch the Simpsons.  I am in the room though and if there is anything I don't like I will shut it off.  I haven't had to do that yet though.

  27. I don't think so.  There isn't anything of substance on that show, and they won't understand the humor, so why subject them to it?

  28. NO

  29. as long as its not p**n, its fine

  30. I been watching simpson since before I was five, its a family show un-like Family Guy which is more like a teenager-adult show.

  31. Sure, family guy and southpark no way but The Simpsons isn't that bad.

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