
Is it appropriate for a girl to...?

by  |  earlier

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by drawing shapes I meant tracing things with my finger, not penning all over them. sorry for the confusion




  1. Stop kidding yourself.  These are the first steps of a relationship.

  2. Although you might think that it is playful and fun and that there is nothing more than that, I think you will find that in time and if this continues then as your friend grows and matures this boy WILL WANT MORE.  Unfortunately majority of boys (no matter what age) have been made to think that anybody who even glances their way is totally in love with them and is lusting after them like there is no tomorrow! (No not really this harsh) but it is just part of human nature.  You sound like you are just having fun and enjoying your time with the boys, but as you mature you will see how life changes and it is kind of sad really.  s*x, religion and politics are generally behind all the dramas of the world.  Enjoy it while you can!

  3. it is not ok for any girl to do that if they are not in a relationship....

    people need to draw the line between friends and boyfriends....if she's not into him, why give the wrong message? no one knows if that boy will see that girl as more than a friend

    it is especially not ok to spend the night with boys when she is under 18 years old

  4. You need to understand that hanging on guys and certainly lying with your head in a guy's lap can be misconstrued.  If you are leaning on someone to fix your shoe or hugging them because they are having a crisis that is completely different.  Leaning on guys, lying on guys, doodling on guys are all going too far if you want to be respected and you don't want to be talked about behind your back. Staying out late with guys is yet another behavior that can be used against you.

    I don't care how much they tell you you are "one of the guys" and how much you believe that you are, you are not.  I'm sure the other guys weren't leaning on one another and doddling on one another and lying around with their heads  in one another's laps.

  5. ok, first off, how old are you? When those boys mature and your still doint this, they are going to take it into mind that you like them. And second off, at whatever age your at now, im sure its ok, but when you get in, say high school, your going to need to be less of a tom boy. Or you will be sooo picked on.

  6. well I'm also one of them types of girls but i think that as long as you don't do anything to bad your alright unless he is uncomfortable you just need to know what he is comfortable with and don't go further than that but if he doesn't draw the line you have to if he starts thinking you like him more than a friend unless you do then your on your own with what you want to do with him

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