
Is it appropriate or inappropriate for a guy?

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Is it appropriate or inappropriate if a guy asks you to marry him, and gives you a ring that he gave to a previous girlfriend/fiance?




  1. Why should a perfectly good ring go to waster? Any woman who minded that either doesn't love him or has been reading too much Dear Abby.

  2. No that is out and out wrong ! The ring is supposed to mean his commitment to her a ring he once gave to someone else is like a slap in the face ! Like her could not be bothered to buy her one of her own no matter how nice the ring may be is wrong.She deseves one of her very own ! He could have traded that one in for another one.

  3. i think its inappropriate but thats just me.  If he was trying to save money he could have just like pawned it and used the money towards a new ring.

  4. I think it's inappropriate about this. I mean, he should have bought another new ring to do that.

  5. I would not be happy if a man gave me a "used" ring.

    First off. Its got bad karma in it.

    Second. Thats not the one I want. Its ugly.

    I would be offended really. How many girls has he tried to give this ring to? Really.

  6. Engagement Ring Ettiquette is if the girl breaks off the engaement, she has to give the ring back.  If the guy breaks it off, the girl gets to keep the ring.

    I, myself, gave my rings back to my ex even though he messed things up.

    But the guy should take the ring back and get refunded.  Unless he bought a cheap, crappy one without a warranty, lol.  I honestly don't care about jewelry to begin with, but I know plenty of other girls that would be furios if they got an egagement ring that was meant for someone else.  Especially if it's a girl that has a certain taste in jewelry and wants that incorporated into her ring.

  7. Well i wouldn't call it inappropriate, i'd see it more as being CHEAP AND RUDE!

    I understand that Gas prices are going crazy and the bills are getting to our heads but its not like your begging him to buy and expensive ring... your just asking for a ring that you can call "your own" and not some hand-me-down that someone else previously had. But then again you have to realize that not all men are the same, there's the ones who are willing to make you happy and buy everything for you and there's the old fashioned ones. Whats going through your finance's head right now is "Hey what in h**l am i spending more money on a ring for when I already have one here, times are hard and its a stupid ring, i'll just give this to her... its the marriage that counts" lol.

    Just be honest with him and let him know how you feel, being honest is the most important thing right now and maybe it will change him.

  8. That's a little tacky.  Economical, but tacky.

  9. That is absolutely inappropriate! If that happened to me I would tell him if he really cares he can get a ring for me. I would take that as a warning sign but see how he deals with my reaction before I make a big deal out of it.

  10. I am going to say inappropriate. It is tacky and rude! If he gives you his ex's ring, than every time you see that ring or he see's that ring you'll think of the ex, not your relationship!

  11. i'll even marry him if he got it from the gumball's the thought thats important

  12. Meh.  Its tacky, but I wouldn't throw a fit over it.

  13. lt is very inappropriate and in extremely bad taste.This guy would also be a cheap skate.Certainly tells you something about a guy that would even think of doing this.

  14. Tell him you want your own ring.

    Sell the old one and get new one.

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