
Is it appropriate to ask a company why I wasn't chosen for a position if a reason wasn't specified?

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Is it appropriate to ask a company why I wasn't chosen for a position if a reason wasn't specified?




  1. If you pose it as a learning opportunity, you will have a better chance of getting a response.  Something like...

    "Thank you again for allowing me the opportunity to interview for the ___ job.  I'm always looking for ways to improve and would appreciate some feedback.  Can you give me any insight into the assets your ideal candidate possesses?"

  2. yes

  3. You have the right to ask, but not all places will tell you.

    And if you apply to that company again in the future, that information will be recorded, and it will be known by the people that interview you (if not in an official capacity, word will get around.)

    So you can, but I really wouldn't recommend it. Instead, just work on moving forward and applying for other things, continually trying to improve your interview skills.

    Best of luck!

  4. it's ok to write a company asking why, however, companies most likely will not respond for fear of lawsuits

  5. Absolutely. Make sure you phrase it as politely as possible, 'If I may ask, was there a particular skill I was lacking that resulted in my being passed over? I would greatly appreciate any constructive criticism so that I might better my chances to work with you in the future. Thank you.'

    Not, 'Hey wtf why wasn't i picked?'

    Good luck. :-)

  6. Employers do have the right not to tell you why you weren't choosing, so don' t push it.  

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